Chapter 16

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I never thought I would feel this way. I miss Maryland. I can't believe it, I miss the place I had dreaded the most. Life was great here, but a part of me missed Maryland so much. I decided to take the time and call my dad. Last time I spoke to my father or my brother was two weeks ago. I really don't know why I haven't called, or why they haven't. I sat as I waited for my father to answer.

"Hello?" My father asked.

"Hey Dad." I said, happily


"Hello sweetheart." He said.

"I miss you so much!" I claimed.

"I miss you too honey. We all do. How are you doing?" he asked.

"I'm doing just fine." I wasn't doing fine, not with what's happened. I bit my lip.

"How's Mom?" I asked, nervously. I haven't spoken to my mother ever since I left.

He let out a deep sigh. My father knew the tension between my mother and I.

"She's doing great, honey." He said.

As the conversation grew on, I couldn't comprehend with what my father was saying because I had another thing on my mind - my mother. Was it bad that I hadn't contacted her this long? Or was it bad that she hadn't? Maybe it's bad for us both.

"Dad?" I interrupted him as he was talking about my brother's girlfriend, Courtney, and how he's going to propose to her. I was happy for my brother. Happy that he had found the one that fit him perfectly.

"Yes, Briella?" he asked.

"Is Mom home?" I asked

"Yes, your mother is home. She's right here actually." He said. His tone was uneasy.

"Can I speak to her? Please?" I begged.

"Hold on, sweetheart." He said. The other end was silent for a moment until my dad's voice reappeared on the other line.

"Briella, I'm sorry, but it seems like your mother doesn't want to talk. I tried making her, she wouldn't listen." He said, sadly.

I had never expected to get hurt, by my own mother. It would usually be the other way around, the mother wanting to speak to the daughter, but the daughter pushing her away. I had so much to tell her. I had so much on my mind, so much locked up inside and I had nobody to unlock my thoughts too. You would expect your mother to be with you no matter what. I guess not. It hurt like hell. My mother didn't care about me. I had so much going on. I'm still crazy about Harry. Absolutely crazy about this young man. It's been three, almost four, weeks since we've spoken and I've dodged every call or text. I just didn't know what to do, what to say.

"Oh." Was all I said through the phone.

"I'm sorry honey. This hurts me too. I wish your mother gave you a chance." he said.

Give me a chance? What the hell did I do wrong to her?

"What did I do wrong to her? I didn't do anything to her, dad." I said, angrily.

"Briella, I don't know." He sighed,

"She just said "I don't want to speak to her." There was no sympathy in her voice what's so ever. I tried, honey. I tried." He apologized.

I bit my lip, trying to fight the urge not to cry. I didn't want to cry. As much as it hurt, why should I cry? She didn't seem to care, so why should I?

"Just tell her one thing for me." I said, with my jaw clenched and my teeth gritted.


"Tell her to call me when she actually gives a damn, because I sure as hell don't anymore." And with that, I ended the call, furious.

I threw my phone on the ground as I grabbed ahold of the roots of my hair and pulled them in frustration. I needed someone. I needed someone to be with me. I needed him. I needed Harry. I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't bare any of it. I missed him.

I picked up my phone from the ground as I opened Harry's last message he sent me.

From: Harry

Don't shut me out. I can't do this without you.

My heart raced as I began typing back a response.

To: Harry

I'm coming over. In twenty minutes, I'll be there.



Chapter 16 is FINALLY here! sorry for the wait! Oh and sorry for the cliff hanging chapter too! I apologize, I leave so many cliff hangers! But I only do it because I love my readers! Oh and I forgot to mention, 496 readings?! only four more and I reach 500! Halfway to 1k reads! Thank you all so much. I know it isn't anything compared to the ones that have over one million but it's an amazing start for me! Thank you all, I love every single one of you!

Xo, Alexa

Oh and if any of you would like to follow me on Instagram, my user is @alexamxrtinez ! Thank you! (: xx

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