Chapter 9

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I woke up to Harry's movement. I opened my eyes to see Harry laying right beside me.

"Goodmorning beautiful." He said. His tone was a low raspy voice. He looked gorgeous. As always, of course.

"Goodmorning." I said, shyly. He looked at me, he gently pulled me in closer, pulling me into his large arms. I didn't move away from Harry, I didn't want too. It felt so right being in his arms. Harry dug his head into my shoulder.

Last night was amazing. We didn't have sex, yeah, but despite that, it was amazing. I had never kissed someone like the way I kissed Harry. It was so different with Harry than how it was with my former boyfriend, Michael.

I could hear the microwave beeping. Harry lifted his head up.

"Who's that?" he asked.

"Talia. She must be cooking or something." I said.

"Oh, Right. I forgot you lived together." he said, cheekily.

I found my way out of his arms as I got up from the bed.

I looked at Harry, his body spreaded across the sheets. His revealed toned chest. I tried not to look at him and his body. I quickly looked away. He got up from the bed and walked towards me. He stood in front of me as we looked at eachother.

I tried to focus on his face and not his body. I must admit, it was very hard. I caught myself making glances at his chest. Damn you, Harry.

"Like what you see?" He smirked.

Usually, I would blush and look down. I decided to do something different, today.

I placed my hands on his upper chest and ran my hand all the way down to his v-line. I leaned in, my lips close to his ear.

"As a matter of fact, yes I do." I said.

He smirked. He seemed satisfied.

He looked at me and said,

"How about Round 2?" He smirked.

I let out a small laugh.

"Maybe later." I said, flirtatiously.

"But come on, we have to go to the kitchen." I said grabbing his hand and leading him outside my bedroom.


"Morning, T." I said. Talia was looking in the refrigerator.

"Goodmorning." She said, her head still in the fridge.

"Do you want pan-"

She turned around to see Harry and I standing next to eachother.

"What the shit?" She asked.

"Hello to you too, Talia." Harry said, chuckling.

She looked at Harry, then at me. She widened her eyes.

"Did you, like, spend the night?" She asked.

"Yes I did." Harry said to Talia. Then looking at me and winking.

"Well then." Talia said, laughing.

"I know what you're thinking, Talia." I said, laughing. She gave me a look that basically said

Did you guys have sex?

I shook my head no.

"What am I missing here?" Harry asked, confused.

"Oh, nothing." I said, laughing.


It was already three in the afternoon. Harry was still here. We had been watching movies all day and basically making out. This was like my ideal type of day with Harry, just saying.

Harry's phone started to ring. He groaned in annoyance.

"What?" he asked.

"Really Aaiden? You broke it?"

"Then fix it, you dumbass!"

"So I have to go and do it myself? You always fuck shit up, dude." He hung up and looked at me in dissapointment.

"I gotta bounce. I would stay for longer, but dumbass Aaiden." he said.

I shook my head.

"No, no it's okay." I smiled. We got up and I walked him to the door.

"Thanks for coming." I said quietly.

"I had a great time." He winked.

As always, I blushed and looked down.

He lifted my chin up with his hands.

"I love it when you do that." He said.

"Do what?" I asked.

"When you always look down and blush. You look beautiful. You always do." He said.

"Thank you." I said, shyly.

He leaned in to lightly kiss me on the lips.

"I'll call you." He whispered, his lips not on mine but still a few inches away.

"Okay." I said, lightly biting my lip while smiling.

He backed away and looked at me and smiled.

"See you, Briella." He said.

"Bye, Harry." I said, laughing.

I shut the door behind me as I happily threw myself on the couch.

Oh how much I wished Harry was actually mine.

I have never been so happy.

A:N chapter 9! I'm sorry I took forever for this update! I hope you enjoy! 100+ readings! (: thank you for your love , I appreciate it a lot (:



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