Chapter 11

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A:N before this chapter begins, i'd just like to apologize for not updating in like over a month! I'm sorry I've just been really busy, never really had the time to go on Wattpad. Enjoy Chapter 11 :)


It had been a month and a half since Harry finally asked me to be his girlfriend. I saw him last Monday. It was now Friday night. Is this how relationships went with Harry? Not seeing eachother often? We had been calling and texting throughout the entire week, just not seeing eachother face to face. If it was that type of relationship, then I don't want any part in it. 

But he was just so hard to resist. He just made me feel so alive. But I just can't keep up with a relationship like this. I'm not giving up already, no, of course not. If it gets to my breaking point, then I will. I jumped at my phone. It was ringing. Like the speed of lightning, I quickly grabbed my phone, eager to see who was it that was calling me. A smile spread across my face. 

"Hey." I said, trying to sound enthusiastic but not too enthusiastic.

"Hello, beautiful." he said, releasing a light chuckle. 

"What's up?" I asked, eagerly. I had still been smiling. My cheeks were about to rip open if I kept on smiling so much. I tried to stop smiling.

"I miss you." He said. 

I could just feel it. I felt my stomach do two somersaults. 

"Well, maybe, if we had seen eachother more throughout this week you wouldn't miss me so much." I teased. 

"Okay your right." He admitted. 

"Tonight. I'm taking you out." He said. 

"Okay. Where?" I said, smiling through the phone.

"To a club." He said. 

"Wear something tight for me, will you?" He asked, flirtasiously. I can just see him smirking on the other line, already.

"What time will you be here?" I asked. 


"Okay, I'll see you. Bye." I said, cheerfully. I ended the call, not letting him say anything. I was too eager for this night to begin. I quickly got up from my bed and ran to my closet. Looking at my options, I chose the perfect dress. It wasn't too tight, not like something a prostitute would wear. But it showed off my body perfectly. My curves fit well with the dress, so did my chest and my lower bottom.  It was Harry's favorite color. Black. As I did my makeup, I decided to try something different. I did a smokey eye. The smokey eye went perfectly well with my entire outfit. I put on my black heels. Since it would be a long night, I decided to place a pair of black flats in my purse. Knowing me, I know I'll get foot cramps. Those flats will be my life savers. I haven't been out partying in what seemed like months. Last time I went to a party was the night I met Harry, and all the stuff that night happened. I was glad to start my weekend like this. Espiecally with Harry. 

Harry would be here any minute. I was so excited. I know I had just seen him last Monday, but it felt like months. I was just sitting there on the couch, waiting for him. Usually, I would still be fixing things about myself that I thought needed to be fixed, but I finished early, I looked in my purse to find my phone. I must've left it in my room. I got up and headed to my room. It wasn't on my bed, or on my dresser. Where was it? I began to get frustrated, for two reasons. Reason Number One: I couldn't find my phone, and Reason Number Two: Harry hadn't showed up. I pulled out my drawers open, fumbling my clothes around, checking to see if I misplaced my phone there. I always put my phone in weird places, I wouldn't be surprised if it was in here. The doorbell rang.

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