Chapter 1

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This is it. I'm finally leaving Maryland, known as hell.

I finally earned enough money to get the out of here. My mother wasn't so supporting when it came to me flying out all the way out here to Oregon. She said,

"You belong here, Briella. With you're family. There's no one out there that you know."

But there was someone I knew that lived in Oregon. My old best friend, Talia. Talia had moved from Maryland to Oregon because she had gotten accepted into the University out there. Packed all her things and left. I haven't seen her in two years, but when I told her I was thinking about moving over there, she offered me a place to live, her apartment. She said we can be roommates and I pay half rent.

I took her offer. Not only did it save me from having to rent my own apartment and having to spend two times more on rent, but it got me something better. Living with my old bestfriend who I'm so close to.

My dad had been quite supporting. He helped me with almost everything. He had offered to pay for the whole ticket but I refused. I don't want to feel like I have to rely on my parents for everything. I'm 20 years old now, the only person I can rely on, is myself.

I have to admit, it was hard saying goodbye to my mother, Grace, My dad, Josiah, and my oldest brother, Cameron. It was also hard saying goodbye to my friends. But you know what they say, Friends come and go.

I looked outside the window. I had been on the airplane for about 3 hours now. I don't even know why I chose to live in Oregon. I guess I just wanted to live someplace far from Maryland. I put my earphones in my ears and turned on my phone.

Black screen. Shit. My phone must've died. I sighed and I closed my eyes. Oregon is waiting for my arrival.


"Excuse me? I'm sorry miss but we've landed."

My eyes burst open. The flight attendant was shaking me by my shoulder.

"Oh. Sorry." I said.

She nodded her head. I looked around, nobody else was on the plane. I must've been the last person on. Everybody must've left while I had been asleep. I looked at the flight attendant.

"You can handle things from here right miss?" She asked.

She looked as if she were in a hurry.

"Um, yeah. I got it. Thanks."

"Thank you for flying with us. Have a nice afternoon."

And with that, she quickly removed herself to where she was standing and found her way out of the plane.

I quickly got up with my belongings and walked out of the plane. I needed to get my luggage.

I tapped one of the security's shoulder,

"Do you know where the baggage claiming is at?"

"Continue walking straight and you'll see a sign that says baggage claim and it will be right there."

"Okay thank you."

I continued walking straight and found the sign.

I stood there with many other people looking around to see if I saw my luggage. A sky blue luggage caught my eye. Their it was. I quickly picked up my luggage. I must've forgotten how heavy it was because I stumbled.

A lady, probably in her thirties, gave me a dirty look.

"Is there something you're looking at?"

I asked. She turned her head.

I exited the airport. I sat on my luggage, staring at the cars, checking if any of them had been Talia's.

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