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Hello to everyone reading this! :)
I just felt the need to quickly swing by with a note before publishing the last chapter, which will be published right after this.

When I started this story back in 2017, it was just a story with no plot or anything planned for how it should end with etc, but back in August a friend of mine gave me the advice to maybe try finish unfinished projects to feel better with myself about the fact that I'm not a failure and I can succeed finishing things. So afterwards I was talking with a really good friend of mine and she reached a hand out to me by saying she would try help me keep the motivation throughout the process by helping me get started working on it again. That friend is a big reason for why this story is actually coming to an end now. I might have struggled a lot in the beginning but the last few chapters I've managed to write a lot on my own without asking for ideas and help as often as I used to do, but I am incredibly grateful for everything she's done to help me succeed finishing this.
With that being said, I'd like to say that without the help with ideas or any other kind of help every now and then from about 3 other friends of mine beside my really good friend, this story would never have been able to be finished 🥺
I'm incredibly grateful for everything they've all done for me along the way. Even though it is me who's been spending hours on writing everything, it really wouldn't have been done without their help! I may have had the plot figured out, but having those friends to ask for ideas when I've been stuck or just talking about my ideas with them, really helped on actually having the motivation to write and continue it. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you girls for helping me get to this point where I now feel proud to say I can succeed finishing things without feeling like a failure.

The girls:
Hiba•Harleen•Paloma 💘

Now that's been said, the final chapter & a little extra is up next! Thank you to everyone reading along with this story, enjoy the last chapter 🥰

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