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Kelsey's POV.

"Why him.... why not me?" He says with mixed emotions. "Well you weren't there for me when I really needed you and I just trusted him more!" I say a bit pissed off. Shawn looks down and then tenses even more up. "How can someone you just met, be someone you trust more?!" He says with a raised voice. He then speaks up again before I could even answer. "You fucking got mad at me for making a friend, when you have done the exact same thing!" He says a bit angry. "But I'm not the one who made one while we were apart! And we weren't on good terms when I met him!" I say starting to get angry myself. "But I still want to be your're the first to come to mind when I want someone to talk to...the first to trust with a secret, you're always the first in my mind" He says but this time more calm. "Well I'm pretty much allowed to befriend others when I don't have you and I did." I say with a bit of sass. "Kels..." He says before I interrupt him. "Why are we even talking about this? I told you about what's going on but you just change subject, I mean I could just have not told you if you're not even gonna say anything about it!" I say still quite annoyed. He's suddenly all calm again and speaks up. "How long has this been going on Kels?" He asks not even answering me. "Quite long now." I simply say. "It's not right, you can't stay there. What can I do?" He asks. "It will just get worse if you get involved Shawn, what you can do is to be there for me and just listen to me." I say. "Okay, but you cannot go back home, I'm worried something will happen to you." He says looking quite upset. He then speaks up again before I can answer. "Can't you just stay at my house?" He says. "Why do you think I'm staying at Scott's? I don't wanna go back and I can't be at yours because that's too obvious if they come looking for me and I'm not taking that chance." I tell him not really looking him in the eyes. "Okay I see. Tell me about this Scott guy then, I mean if it's okay I change subject?" He asks not really sounding sure. "It's okay, I really don't wanna talk more about it to be honest. He's really sweet, I'm really grateful he helped me get out of there." I say with a smile for the first time in this conversation. "I guess I should thank him for being there for you as well." He says not really looking like he wanted to say that. I then look at the time on my phone and I see, I have tons of messages from my mom and one from Scott. "Crap mom knows I escaped!" I say out of the blue when I read the messages. "I need to go Shawn, I promised Scott I would be back around this time." I say but this time looking him in the eyes. He just nods and we pack up and drives back to Scott's place.

*At Scott's condo*
"Promise me you'll call me if anything happens okay?" He says when I open the car door. "I promise." I tell him with a smile. I then get out of the car and wave bye to him and walk up to the building.
When I reach Scott's condo I knock on the door, and he immediately opens. "Hey! Come in." He says. I don't even get fully inside before he squeeze me with a hug. Okay why is he so cute damn. Kels snap out of it! My thoughts gets interrupted by Scott speaking up. "So how did it go with Shawn?" He asks when we sit down on the sofa. "Started bad but it got better in the end." I say with a laugh. I somehow can't help, but smile or laugh a little when I talk with him, I don't know what's happening with me. "Did you end up telling him or?" He asks while looking all cute. Okay for real Kels snap out of it!! "I did actually, let's just say that's why it was bad in the beginning." I say with a smile. "Did he take it badly or what happened?" He asks a bit more serious this time. "Your name came up, that's what happened." I say laughing a little. "Hold up, wait what? Why am I dragged into it?" He asks looking all confused. Damn he looks cute when he's confused. "I let it slip by accident that you helped me out of a situation later on yesterday and he sort of got pissed that I told you before him." I say. "Ah I see, I can understand that Shawn isn't that big of a fan of me then." He says laughing a little while saying it. "Yeah kinda, but it's good between us again so whatever." I say. My phone makes a sound so I pull it up from my pocket. Another text from my mom, just great. Scott notices I tense up. "Hey what's wrong?" He asks. "My mom sent tons of messages and she just sent another, I don't know what to do." I say looking down. "You're seventeen right? When's your birthday?" He asks. "I am, and I don't turn 18 until March." I say. It's currently start October and we're on summer break from school as the new semester doesn't start until November.
"Okay so a few months and you can do whatever you wanna, but that's not soon enough hmm. Wait a friend I have was in foster care, he got emancipated when he was seventeen as his last home was shitty as fuck and he had enough of the system, so couldn't that be a way for you too?" He asks with a serious look. "I don't really know much about that, does it mean I can be free of having an adult deciding over me or?" I ask with a confused face. "Yes something like that, not fully sure, but I can look into it for you?" He asks with a smile. "If it's something I can do, then omg yes please do." I say with a big smile. "Okay, great! I'll look into it and if it's something that can be done for you, I'll let you know whenever I need you!" He says. "Thank you, really you're really the sweetest." I say smiling happy. Instead of answering me, he just pulls me in for a hug. Is it bad to say that his hugs are slightly better than Shawns?

"But Scott what am I gonna do now? My mom said she will call the police if I don't come home, so I have to go home." I say. "You shouldn't go alone at least." He says with a worried face. "I don't wanna either but they won't know who you are so that will probably just make things worse." I say with a sigh. "What about Shawn?" He suggests. "I mean I do want him there but it will make things even worse than you think if he shows up with me." I say. "What if you text your mom that you will only come home if her boyfriend doesn't hit you? And then go alone to the front door at least but you should call Shawn at least." He says. "That's actually quite smart! I'm gonna do that." I say with a smile. I then text my lovely mother. Notice the sarcasm.

Kelsey 😤:
I'm only coming home if Jake doesn't hit me.

She immediately texts back, like she was waiting by the phone or something.

Mom 🙄:
Fine! Just come home already.

Okay wow thanks mom. I then call Shawn to tell him, as I did promise to tell him if anything happened. "Hey, I need to tell you something." I say when he picks up. "What's up? Did something happen?!" He says with a worried voice. "I need to go home, because if I don't mom will call the police, but I don't wanna go alone." I say. "Should I come along with you? Because I'm not letting you go alone!" He says. "Thing is Shawn, they can't see you else hell will break loose, but I need you there." I say. "Oh that's right, what do we do then?" He asks. "I don't know Shawn, I thought you could figure that part out yourself, because I have enough to worry about right now." I say with a sigh. The line goes silent for a few minutes and then he kinda shouts. "I GOT IT!! WHAT IF I CLIMBED UP TO YOUR ROOM AND HID IN YOUR CLOSET?" I immediately start to chuckle when he says it. "Oh gosh you're such a dork! But it's actually not a bad idea." I say. "And that's why you love me! And sounds like we have ourselves a plan Kels." He says and I can feel the smirk through the phone when he says it. He really can't help himself. We decide on that Scott will drop me off and Shawn will text me when he's succeeded climbing up to my room so I know when to go up to the door, but after Scott has left so they don't see him.
After we hang up, I tell Scott the plan and before I know it we're in the car...

I have had a lot going on, so I haven't been able to update or anything really, but finally here's a new chapter! Enjoy & pls let me know what you think :)

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