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It has now been 5 months since I moved to Pickering. Me and Shawn is really best friends. He's the best that has happened to me in so long. He turns 18 in 2 weeks, and he got noticed by a manager for island records! I turned 17 a few months back and Shawn surprised me with a party the day after when my mom was out of town. And you're probably wondering a party huh she doesn't have anyone beside Shawn. Well you're wrong. Shawn introduced me to his friends and I got along with them all. So the party was with all those, Shawn ofc, and his family. I met his parents some time ago and they're literally the nicest people ever. And Aaliyah is so sweet! We're like sisters because we're really close. My mom knows about I got friends. She though found out it was Shawn's a few days after the party unfortunately. Now she grounded me until I turn 18. Life's great I know. The other day she took my phone away from me so I couldn't talk with Shawn. But thank god Shawn got me a new laptop for my birthday because we can still talk as I can on my laptop. Lately Shawn has begun to kiss me on my forehead a lot while hugging me. He often let me use some of his hoodies too! He's gonna start his first ever European and American tour in less than two weeks which sucks because I'm gonna miss him so so much. We will celebrate his 18th birthday right before he leaves. He's gonna be away for 2 months in Europe and then he'll be home for two weeks then off to New York to start tour again. It really sucks but I'm beyond happy for him. He has come so far it's unbelievable. How am I gonna celebrate Shawn's birthday? Well my mom doesn't know about it at all but she's at work all day so I'm real lucky. Lately she has really mean to me because she's seeing someone and that man is making her mean to me all the time. Most nights when they're both here I sneak out to sleep at Shawn's instead. Yeah I get trouble by doing it but I don't care because he's my saviour at the moment. Honestly I don't know what I'll do when he leaves. Right now I'm in the parking lot at school waiting to get picked up by my lovely mom. Notice the sarcasm. She found out Shawn drove me to and from school, which I really don't know how she did but she did. I see her pulling up to where I stand. "You're sitting in the backseat." She just simply says. Wow great backseat. Her beyond annoying boyfriend is seating in front beside her just great. I hate him so much. He hates me too because he hits me when my mom isn't near. Sometimes she let him stay at the condo while she's at work because I always sneak out.

Rest of the week and the following week is like everyone else, they kept being mean to me. Today is finally the day Shawn turns 18! I got my phone back yesterday so when I wake up I immediately text him happy birthday. My mom already went to work real early this morning so that's great! I walk to the bathroom to take a shower. After my shower I get dressed and heads to Shawns. Right before I walk down I grab my gift for him. When I arrive at his house there's already a few people there. Mostly family members right now as the plan is that there's gonna be a celebration with family then friends later tonight. As I'm invited to both I've got him two presents, one of them was hidden In Aaliyah's room though. When he invited me to the family part he insisted on having me come along even though I'm not blood related to him. I ended up saying yes so here I am in their house. "Heyy cutie! I'm so happy you're here!" He says hugging me tight. "Of course I wouldn't miss your 18th birthday weirdo." I answer him. He kisses my forehead takes me with him. The family dinner and "party" went well. It wasn't like a big thing just a cute family reunion for the Mendes family. Sometimes I wish I had such a family. At least I have Shawn by my side. He doesn't know that my moms bf hits me, and I ain't telling him because he would go beat the shit of him if I did. Under the dinner Shawn kept holding my hand and squeezing it a few times. He's been acting so weird for awhile. At least he has been starting to be more loving to me, like caring with love. I could be wrong but I feel that. Around 5pm Shawn's family have left, and his parents including Aaliyah have left the house as we're having the "party" here. Shawn insisted on holding it another place but his parents said no and insisted on holding it here so here we are. We're just making everything ready as our friends will arrive in an hour. I'm gonna skip the party as nothing exciting or different happened. It was a really fun part though, we all just had fun. No alcohol as we're all under age, just soda. Playing some games opening presents etc. I gave Shawn his first present earlier which was Ed Sheeran on vinyl as he collects them. He got so happy for it. His expression was precious omg. Now it's 1am and we're alone together. Im giving his present now. "So Shawn i have another thing for you." I tell him. "Really? You didn't have to get me more, I mean your friendship is all I need and I'm grateful enough for the vinyl!" He says surprised. "Yeah I know but the vinyl wasn't that much and you gave me a laptop for mine so had to find something else for you." I say. "Aw you're so sweet it's unbelievable." He says. I hand him the present. I got him a really expensive cologne from Gucci. "Oh my god! You actually bought this for me? Damm you're way too sweet omg! Thank you so so much." He says shocked and happy at the same time. "Yeah I did. You looked at it when we where shopping the other day." I say. "Aww you really remembered? Thank you so much hun." He says. "No problem at all. I'm glad you like it." I say. We decided on playing 500 hundred which is a card game. I won yay! The time is currently 1:45am and I need to go home because my mom will be home in two hours. "I have to go home now Shawn." I announce to him. "Oh really? I thought you would stay over until tomorrow as I'm leaving in the afternoon?" He says. "I have to go now because my mom will be home in two hours and if I'm not in my room sleeping when she gets home I'm in a lot of trouble more than you think." I say. "Okay, but I'm gonna walk you home. I'm not letting you walk alone." He say with a serious face. "Okay, okay fine!" I say. We grab our jackets and leaves. We arrives at our condo and he hugs me and kiss my cheek. "Can I see you before I leave?" He asks. " I don't know yet. If my mom will be away at some point before you leave I'll come else I have no choice to stay at home I'm sorry." I say almost tearing up. "I really hope she's gone at some point because I can't leave without saying goodbye to you!" He says. "I hope so too! But we can say see you soon not goodbye because we will see each other again." I say. "Alright I'll see you then soon!" He says and hugs me real tight. He kisses my forehead and walks away waving at me. After I waved back I walk inside the condo. Right when I get inside my moms boyfriend is standing right in front of me. "Where have you been Kelsey!" He says looking angry and drunk af. This isn't good at all. "It's none of your business Jake!" I answer. Oh right his name is Jake now you know. "It is actually because your mom told me to check up on you! And you haven't been home for hours." He says. "So? There's nothing you can do about it." I say back. "Oh yes there is! You're getting punishment now!" He says dragging me upstairs. He takes me to my room and push me into my bed. He takes his belt off and starts hitting me with it over and over again. It went on for like 15 minutes. When he's done he walks out of the room and take the key from my door and locks it from outside. I immediately start crying. It hurts so bad! I hate Jake so much! Ugh I wish I could tell Shawn, but I can't.
After an hour I finally fall sleep. I wake up only six hours after already. When I wake up I look at the time and it's like around 9am. Shawn leaves at 1pm to the airport. How am I gonna go when my door is locked? Ugh. I try to text my mom to see if she can come open the door as I'm hungry but she answers back I'm not getting out until later. Then I hear noise from the next room. Hell no they're making me listen to them having sex. I decide to listen to music as I do not want to listen to them. I fall asleep after a good 10 minutes. I wake up four hours later because my door is getting opened finally. I see my mom and Jake looking at me. "This will be your punishment for now when you sneak out!" She says. "That's not fair I haven't even got breakfast or anything to eat at all!" I argue. "No buts this is how it's gonna be!" She says and leaves the room. Jake looks evil at me before he leaves. I just shake my head of them.

Next I do is to check my phone. Oh shit! 4 unread messages from Shawn.
That clumsy boy🤓💕:
Morning 💕
You able to come?
Kels I'm on my way to the airport now :( I guess you can't make it :/
UGHHH I hate my mom so much right now! I look at the clock and it's 1:10pm. No no no just no he's flying in 45 minutes. I can't get to the airport that quick. I decide on texting him back.
That cute girl 😍✨:
I'm so so sorry! Please don't be mad :(
My mom locked me into my room so I couldn't get out :(
I woke up at 9am but she texted me saying I wouldn't be able to come out until later and then they start doing noise you know 🙄
Then I started listen to music and I felt asleep again, and just woke up I'm so so sorry! I feel so bad now 😭
I immediately starts to cry again. I won't see my best friend in two months, my mom hates me so does Jake, they're mean to me all the time. How am I gonna survive these months? I honestly don't know.

Please let me know what you think or if there's something I can do better :)

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