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*A few weeks later*

Shawn's POV.

Last show of the tour tonight. Time really has gone by so fast, feels surreal that it's the last show already. The tour has really been amazing, so many good memories to go home with, though I wish Kelsey was a part of them. Kelsey, the girl of my dreams. Just now it hits me that I'm gonna see her again so soon. I still don't know if we're on good terms or not as she never reached out about the song, but something did happen though. Not long ago Scott suddenly called me to yet again yell at me. He tends to do that a lot. He called because my friends weren't treating Kelsey well in school, which I was of course pretty confused about at first but after he told me what they've been doing to her I immediately called them. This time it was me yelling at them to stop harassing her since they don't know the whole story. Let's just say they didn't take it too well, so we haven't been talking much since but they did stop harassing Kelsey.
There was her name again, damn I really do miss that smile of hers a lot. I don't mind tour is coming to an end since it means I'll get to see her again. I really hope I didn't mess up everything between us.

*Next day*

Kelsey's POV.

Currently standing waiting at the bus stop as dad couldn't drive me today and neither could Scott or Jake, so the bus it is. The last few weeks Jake and I have gotten much closer. The dance videos for Scott's album turned out perfectly and he was really amazed and grateful for it when he got to see it all put together. I ended up having Jake to help out for more songs than the duet, so we've been spending a lot of time together. He's become a close friend of mine now, cause he's really been there for me and well he is pretty cool to hang out with. May have been a little awkward at first but he finally understood the point that my heart did really belong to someone else as in it belongs to Shawn. He now knows pretty much everything about my complicated relationship/friendship with Shawn too. The bullying thankfully stopped, not really sure what happened but they suddenly one day just stopped and let me be. I'm not even sure when Shawn gets home since we haven't been talking at all, but I guess he's gonna be home for Christmas. My thoughts then gets interrupted by the bus approaching me. The bus ride doesn't take too long, but definitely a bit longer than if I got driven.

*At school*

The bus arrives just 10 minutes before first class starts, so I rush out of the bus and into the school building. As expected Jake is standing by the lockers waiting for me. "Hey Prince Naveen!" I say as I approach him. Yes that's the nickname I've picked for him, because well since my first words to him were pretty brown eyes, Naveen fits perfectly. "Hey good morning sunshine!" He says smiling softly. "So are we ready for the Christmas show later?" He then says. "Yess or sorta, a bit nervous about it but thankfully I get to see Scott before he leaves so it should be fine." I say giggly. Yes, Jake got to meet Scott because of the dancing videos and they got along pretty well actually. "Oh yeah definitely helps it! He's gonna leave right after right?" He says. "Yeah, he's got a flight to catch so he has to leave right after." I say. The Christmas show the school is throwing needed a last minute performer as the one who was supposed to come wasn't able to after all, so I suggested Scott could do it which the school gladly accepted, so he's gonna perform at the show. Thing is he's gonna celebrate Christmas with his British family this year, so he's gonna head to the airport right after his performance. "Oh yeah that's right! Still cool that you got him to come perform instead." He says with a smile. "Yeah he would literally do anything for me honestly." I say chuckling. "Lowkey true, the friendship you two has really is the purest thing I've ever seen, he surely adores you!" He says with chuckles. "He really does, and I sure adore my favorite dork too." I say laughing a little thinking of how much of a dork he is. Damn it's gonna be so boring without him. Jake just laughs too, cause he knows how much of a dork he is too. We then head to class together as we have first class together today.

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