Twenty four

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*New Year's Eve* (two days later)

Kelsey's POV.

I wake up really late as I didn't fall asleep until around 3am because my thoughts wouldn't stop running on loop. I check the time on my phone and it's 11:30. Yesterday really helped me figure out what to do with Shawn. We spent a few hours alone again, and it was really nice just being with him. He continued with calling me cute nicknames just as the other day but what really made me figure was that he kissed me on my cheek when he left last night. I know what I'm going to do now. I'm gonna tell him tonight as he's playing at this party tonight celebrating new years and he invited me to come see him play. My stomach starts growling. I then get out of bed and walk downstairs to the kitchen. First thing I see when I enter is dad sitting by the table on his laptop. "Morning." I say which makes him to immediately look up. "Good morning dear, or is it even morning anymore." He says chuckling. "Probably not, but I did just wake up." I say chuckling myself. "Really? How late did you stay up?" He says with a smile. "I did actually go to bed early, but I just couldn't sleep so I didn't sleep until like 3am." I say with a yawn. "How come you couldn't sleep? Anything on your mind?" He says. "Yeah, actually a lot." I say giggling a little. "What's on your mind hun?" He says a bit worried. I then go sit down across from him at the table. "I don't know if you noticed, but Shawn and I didn't talk while he was away but then something happened when he came home, which caused for me needing some space from him." I say with a sigh. "Did he hurt you?" Dad then says with a furious face. "He did yeah, but the thing is that this time he really hurt me more than the other times. So I stayed away from him for two days but it was weird cause I'm used to have him around and he was my first friend here so I talked with Jake and we came up with a plan which was to test if I can trust him to not hurt me again and him trusting me enough to not do anything to hurt me again. It's a long story honestly but so we started spending a little time together again but with Jake along as well the past few days to test it you know." I say. "You have feelings for him don't you?" He says with a smile. "Is it that obvious? But yeah I do, I really do dad." I say smiling softly. "I can see it on your face hun, but he did hurt you?" He says again a bit worried. "He did indeed, but he actually passed the trust test pretty well. I told him at first I wasn't ready for a relationship but I think that I am now." I say. "I kinda always knew something was going on between you two, but what I don't understand is what about Scott? You guys seemed to be so happy together?" He says. "Okay why is everyone saying that oh my god, was it really just us who didn't realise it or what! Scott and I jumped into things too quick before even knowing how we actually felt for each other. We broke up the day Shawn left for tour, but he's been the best friend I always wanted. I sure love him but as my friend or well he's like a brother to me." I say giggling. "I'm really happy you still have Scott by your side, cause I sure like that guy a lot! So Shawns the one huh?" He then says teasingly. "Who doesn't like Scott though, he's the best! Yeah, as much as I want to run from it I just can't cause my heart belongs to him." I say and then feel like my cheeks heating up a bit. "Someone's in love I see!" He says teasingly. "Daad oh my gosh." I say blushing even more. "Kelsey I'm really happy to see you like this, but I can't help but worry a little. I mean the fact that he's already hurt you before you guys even are a thing makes me a bit worried for you." He says with a serious face. "I know dad, but the days I wasn't with him hurt even more cause he really does mean everything to me. He showed me another side of him the other day when I was feeling a bit insecure. In that moment I just knew, cause no one's ever been like that with me. Yeah he did cross the thing with small steps but the crossing he did helped me really see how much he actually cares about me. He did everything to make sure I knew how beautiful I am and no one's ever done that dad." I say starting to get a little emotional. "You had me at the insecure part, he definitely loves you that's for sure. What are you going to do?" He says. "He's playing at this new years party tonight which he invited me along to, so I'm gonna tell him how I feel." I say blushing a little again. "Seems like you've got it all figured out. He better not hurt you again or I'm gonna kill him." He says chuckling. "You're not the only one, I'm pretty sure Scott and Jake will be joining you with that. But I don't think it's gonna come to that again." I say with a smile. "As long as you're happy, I'm happy! But if he hurts you he's not gonna be fine." He says jokingly but at the same time a bit serious. "Thanks dad." I say chuckling softly. "Now let's get you something to eat." He says and then goes up to make me something.

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