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*Two days later*

Shawn's POV.

It's already been over a week since I left and I still haven't heard from Kelsey. Did I do the right thing? I'm starting to think it wasn't the best idea, maybe I was totally off and she doesn't feel anything for me? Are we okay? Is she mad at me? Did I mess everything up between us? She's definitely on her phone at least, cause she posted pictures of her with Scott dressed up for Halloween. Maybe I was totally off? Maybe she actually does have true feelings for him? But why can't she just give some sort of sign?

Kelsey's POV.

My alarm goes off at 7am. Monday morning, school, fuck. I'm so not feeling going back to school. Going back to the hell hole where I have no friends or anything, yeah not really feeling it. But I really don't have a choice but go unfortunately. I finally manage to get myself out of bed after a few minutes and then walk downstairs to get some breakfast. I showered last night instead so I wouldn't have to stress in case I didn't wake up in time. "Morning dear, ready for your first day?" Dad says with a smile once I enter the kitchen. "Not really, just want to get over with it." I say sighing. "Maybe this semester will be better hun, maybe there's new people and you could make some friends after all?" He says with a comforting smile. "I really doubt that, but you're right I won't really know till I'm there." I say sighing softly. We then just eat breakfast in a nice silence. After finishing breakfast I head back to my room to get ready. First day of school outfit is black jeans and an oversized cream white sweater with black boots. I then put my hair in a high pony tail and I'm all ready to go. I quickly grab my bag and head downstairs. "So you ready to go?" Dad asks. "Yes as ready as I can be I guess." I say with half a smile. Dad has to go into the office for work now so he's gonna drive me to school instead of taking the bus.

*At school*

"There you go, have a great first day hun!" Dad says once we arrive outside school. "Thanks dad!" I say and then head out of the car and walk inside. I find my way to where my locker is. While putting my bag in and taking out the books I'll be needing for first class I sense someone else presence next to me. Damn I thought I would be free of having someone having locker next to me as last semester but apparently not. I casually close my locker trying to not make contact with the person having locker next to me, but I fail cause just as I do the person says something. "Pretty brown eyes?" The person says which turns out to be a guy's voice. I immediately look up and see the guy from the party. Oh crap you've got to me kidding me. "Oh god this ain't happening." I blurt out. "So you didn't manage to forget about that night after all." He says chuckling. "Unfortunately not, but how the hell do you even recognise me?" I say a bit freaked out. "Well those pretty brown eyes of yours is not to miss." He says with a smirk. "What the heck are you even doing here? You stalking me or something?" I say avoiding to answer the eyes thing. "Getting my books for class? Maybe you'd wish I was stalking you." He says with a smirk again. "What I wish is that you wasn't going to school here." I say in a sassy tone and then walk off finding my first class. I don't get far till the guy is walking next to me. "Now what?" I say annoyed. "Well it's my first day here and I'm kinda lost, help the new guy out please?" He says with puppy eyes. "Alright fine, what class do you have first?" I say with a big sigh. "English 3." He says with a smile. "You've got to be kidding me." I say rolling my eyes. "What?" He says a bit confused. "Just follow me." I say walking to my first class which is English 3. "You're in this class too?" He says when we arrive at the classroom. "What does it look like?" I say annoyed and go sit down. As annoying as he is, he takes the seat next to me. During class I just ignore the fact that he's sitting right next to me, by focusing on the class. Whatever chance he gets he tries talking to me, but I just ignore him or give him short answers.
Right when the class finally ends, I quickly walk out of the room to rushing to next class. Maybe a bit fast, but I'm not feeling talking more to that guy and I'm definitely not giving him any chances to either so if rushing is the way then I'm fine with that.
The next classes until lunch goes smoothly since he wasn't in any of them, thankfully.
Before heading to the cafeteria, I quickly swing by my locker to put the books in. The universe is finally giving me some luck, cause the guy isn't by the lockers. Quickly put the books in and head to the cafeteria.
I get in the line for food. The line is long today ugh. When it finally gets my turn, I get what I want and walk off to find a table to sit at. Just as I look around trying to figure where to sit, I see Brian, Matt and Ian coming my way. Crap what are they doing here. "Well look who we have here." Brian says when they see me. "Ah look well isn't it the girl who steals your best friend while hooking up with another guy, be careful everyone she might do your best friend behind your back!" Ian says making everyone stare at us. "But be even careful about the fact that she's a fake one who just steals your best friend, I'm so glad we're not friends anymore you fake ass whore." Brian says with a satisfying smile. "I don't even get why Shawn would be friends with a girl like you, when we all know he doesn't even like you! You're just a petty liar who hooks up with whoever she gets the chance to." Matt then says joining them. Never in the world would I think Matt would do this, but I guess you never really know how people are. "Did you ever give her time to explain herself? Or are you just determined in your own assumptions?" Someone behind me then says. I turn around to see the guy from the party. Did he just stand up for me? "We know her more than you do." Brian tells him. "And who are you even to say anything? Perhaps you're the new toy she's playing around with?" Ian asks him.
"No, she doesn't even know my name." He tells them and then look at me. "It's Jake by the way." He says with a smile. All three of them just stands there rolling their eyes and then walks away thankfully. A bit shaken up I continue walking to find a table to sit at. I finally find a table no one is sitting at, so I sit down with my food. I only get to start taking a bite before Jake sits down at the table. "Hey, you okay?" He says looking right at me so we make eye contact. "Yeah, thank you for standing up for me." I say giving him half a smile. "No worries, anytime! But what was all that about though?" He says. "I don't really wanna talk about it, maybe another time." I tell him while continuing eating my food. "It's fine, no worries take your time, no pressure." He says with a comforting smile. "Kelsey, mines Kelsey by the way." I tell him with a smile. "Well it's nice to officially meet you, Kelsey." He says with a cute smile. "I guess it isn't that bad you go to school here after all." I say chuckling a bit. He then just chuckles himself. "So how long have you been dancing?" He asks out of the blue. "Huh what? How did you know that I dance?" I ask him completely confused. "I saw when you danced at the party." He says. "Wait you saw that? But you were in the basement?" I say still confused. "Yeah, well after that guy dragged you away I tried to look for you but I couldn't find you but then I saw the guy who dragged you away running to the living room with you, so I kinda just watched from the side." He says. "Oh about that, I'm sorry he was just looking out for me. So you saw the whole thing?" I ask him with a smile. "Still kinda confused on what happened in that moment but yeah I saw it all, you're pretty good." He says looking right in my eyes again. "Thank you, and to answer your question I've been dancing for a few years, though that night was the first time after a long time." I tell him with a smile. "Well for someone who hasn't danced in awhile, you clearly couldn't see that." He says. "Thanks, really nice of you to say." I say smiling. "I used to take dancing classes and honestly I haven't seen many people dancing as good as you do." He says.
Just as he said that the bell rings in meaning lunch break is over. "Well I gotta go to class, I guess I'll see you around." I tell him and then get up putting away my garbage to then return the tray and I'm off to class.

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