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Made up my mind, I'm gonna go meet shawn after all, even though sitting here talking to Scott is really nice, he is right about that if I don't go, I might loose shawn for good. "Scott it has been a pleasure talking to you, and I'm really glad I ran into you, but I have to go see if I can sort things out with my friend." I say with a smile. "Of course, glad I could help you make up your mind about going! Hope you guys can work it out." He says with a comforting smile. We grab our things and walk out of the cafe, but before going our separate ways, Scott starts to speak. "Hey, so could I maybe get your number? So like maybe we can meet up again sometime?." He asks looking all nervous. "Oh yes sure! Would definitely love to see you sometime again." I say all giggly. We then exchange numbers and then this time we actually walk our separate ways.

Shawn here we come I guess. Definitely not happy with him, but yeah let's see. The walk to our spot didn't take too long as I was kinda near it, so before I know it I'm there. I spot Shawn sitting on the bench, so I start walking towards him.
The minute he sees me, his faces lights up like a Christmas tree. "You came!" He says all surprised. He then starts to talk again. "I wasn't sure if you actually would come, because I have been waiting for almost an hour." He says. "Well I wasn't even sure myself if I would come or not until minutes ago, honestly." I say. "I'm really happy you did, because Kels, I'm so so sorry for everything, I have really messed up." He says. "Is that all you have to say? You completely left me all alone with everything going on at home and your excuse is because you would miss me too much and that you got a new friend while touring? No Shawn, this is not okay! I really needed you." I tell him getting quite pissed. "Kels I am sorry, I regret that I handled everything like that, I really do. But you weren't all alone, I know you have been with the guys and Aaliyah quite often, I mean that's what Matt has told me?" He says. "Yeah I have, but that's not the point! You are the one who knows most of what's going on at home and you weren't here and you promised me you would even though you were away, you broke that promise." I say getting a little emotional.
"Yes I know, and I am really sorry, I wish I could do it all over, I do, but unfortunately that's not how it works. I haven't replaced you, you're still everything to me, nothing has changed on that, but there's just something I don't get, I know how things are with your mom and all but I feel like there's something you aren't telling me." He says all serious.
Oh no this isn't happening, has he really figured out something's not right or am I hearing this wrong? He notices that I'm trying to figure what to say, so he tries to pull me in for a hug. The minute he touches my back I flinch and take a step back. "What just happened?" He asks looking all confused. "Nothing, ehm can we just pretend this didn't happen please." I say with a worried look. "Kels what's going on? I'm not letting this go, you never pull back when we hug?" He asks. He grabs my hand and I flinch again. He then pulls up my sleeve. "What's this!? Who's doing this to you? Why haven't you told me?!" He says all worried. "Shawn I.. "I say but then get interrupted by a bird shitting on my head. I guess everyone's right about when a bird shit on you that it gives luck. Shawn starts laughing so hard. "HAHA very funny Shawn." I say. While he keeps laughing I quickly take my sleeve down again. When he finally stops laughing his ass off, the conversation continues. "Okay I have missed that laugh quite lots." I say smiling at him. "Well I missed that pretty smile of yours quite much as well." He says. "Can we just start over and forget about everything?" I ask calmly. "I mean I'm the one who fucked up so if you say so then yes of course, I don't wanna use more time on fighting when I only have two weeks here." He said smiling. "Okay Mendes, we're good." I say.
We walk over to the bench, so we can catch up.
"So Kels anything exciting I should know about that has happened while I was gone?" He asks. "Nothing really, but if today counts then yeah, I met someone earlier." I say really happy. I notice Shawn starts to tense up a bit, I don't know why. "Met someone?." He asks.
"Yes! Okay so it's quite funny, I basically did the same thing as when I met you for the first time. And so he was really polite and nice to me as he could see I wasn't alright, so he asked if I wanted to talk about it and well I said yes so we went to the cafe which was across the street and then we just talked. You can actually thank him, because he's the reason why I decided to come see you after all." I say still smiling. "So it's a guy huh? And I guess I should thank him." He says like he's not really meaning what he says. "He's pretty nice Shawn, apparently he's a singer too around here!" I say. I have no idea why, but Shawn keeps to tense more up when I tell more.
"What's his name?" He simply says. "Well I don't know his last name but his name is Scott!" I say. "Oh that doesn't say me anything. So are you gonna see him again or?" He asks. "Maybe, I don't know yet, but we exchanged numbers so I probably will some time." I say all giggly, I somehow feel like I have butterflies in my stomach when I talk about him?
"Well I'm glad you made a new friend." He simply says. I suddenly remember I haven't been home since yesterday!
"FUCK I NEED TO GO HOME!" I say while kinda shouting. "Wait why we were just catching up?" Shawn says. "I haven't been home since yesterday, remember I stayed over at your house. I'm in so much trouble fuck!" I say. "Oh fuck, I forgot about that!" He says. We exchange our see you's and then Shawn pulls me in for a hug again..

Hello again everyone!
I have gotten inspiration again, so I'm gonna be updating every now and then :)

Enjoy! 💕

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