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Kelsey's POV.

We exchange our see you's and then Shawn pulls me in for a hug again and I flinch again when he touches my back, but this time I just walk away and shout see you at him.

*Outside our condo*
Okay here we go, let's just get it over with. I walk up to the door and right when I tap the doorknob the door opens. "Where the fuck have you been!? Your mom has been looking for you all day!" Jake yells at me. He then drags me inside and up to my room. "Answer me, where have you been all this time!?" He asks again while taking his belt off. "None of your business Jake!" I yell at him. He then starts hitting me with the belt all over my body, several times as usual. I'm a crying mess, every hit I cry even harder. He then grabs my guitar and starts hitting me with that as well and says "I know you went to see Shawn, so this is for not giving me answers!" He says angrily. I breakdown crying even more. After about a good half an hour he finally leaves but locks my door again.. Just great I'm stuck here in I don't know how long. I just lay crying in bed in what feels like forever, until my phone starts ringing. As good as I can I roll over to grab it from my bag, but every move hurts like hell. The display says Scott, without thinking any further I just pick up. I'm still sniffing from all the crying and my eyes are still wet and tearing but I still pick up.
"Hey, I know we just saw each other earlier and I'm probably doing the opposite of how everyone else would do it which is wait a day but anyway, just wanted to hear how it went with your friend." He says. I can't manage to get any words out, so he speaks up again. "Kelsey you there?" He asks. "Scott.." Is all I can manage to say and sniff loud enough for him to hear. "Kelsey what's wrong? Are you crying?" He says sounding worried. "Yes.. I can't do this anymore." I say without even thinking what I'm saying. "What's going on? Are you okay?" He asks. "I'm not." I answer while sobbing a bit again. "Kelsey you're scaring me, please tell me what's going on!" He says really worried. "My mom's boyfriend hits me every time I come home after sneaking out... I'm not allowed to see Shawn, mom forbid me so I have to sneak out every time and.." I say while sobbing more. Before I know of it I have told him everything. I don't know how or why but it feels good to tell someone.
"I'm so sorry that you have to go through that, nobody should go through all that! Can I help somehow? Like anything I can do? I really wanna help you, you shouldn't be alone with this." He says. "I don't know Scott, I don't know what to do, all I know is I can't do this anymore. I can't get out of my room, he locked my door but I wanna get out of here." I say but this time I'm not sobbing as much. "Can you climb out the window somehow? If you can I can come get you and you can crash at my place until we can figure what we can do about this." He says. "I can't, my body is too sore and my room is on the first floor." I say.
"Okay, is he still there? Your mom's boyfriend I mean?" He asks. "I think he left actually." I say a bit relieved. "Okay, first text me your address and then you have a house key right?" He asks. "Yes, I do. Why?" I ask. "When I get there, throw the key down to me and I'll let myself inside and then I'll figure a way to get your door open somehow." He says. "Thank you, really." I say starting to sob again. "Now text me the address and I'll see you soon okay?" He says. We hang up after that and I text him the address.
After about a good 15 mins I hear something outside my window. I walk over to the window and look down. I open the window when he sees me. "Hey, so the key?" He yells up to me. I throw the key down to him and yells thank you again, he just smiles as an answer.
Not long after I hear noise from the hall outside my room. I hear my name getting said and I shout as a sign to which room I'm in. "Okay so how do we get this door open hmm." I hear Scott say. "Did you really come here without a plan on how to get it open?" I ask him with a small laugh. "Maybe, okay yes." He says. I just laugh when he says it. "Wait I think I have an idea now!" He says. He fumbles around with something I can hear. "Ugh fuck didnt work." I hear him say. After a few tries which took him maybe about half an hour, he succeeded and the door does the click sound it does when it unlocks. The door immediately opens up and right when our eyes meet, Scott pulls me in for a hug. And this time I don't pull back, even though it hurts everywhere. I make an ouch sound and he immediately pulls away and says "Oh fuck I completely forgot about that! Are you okay?" He asks with a worried look. "Just quite sore, but I'm okay for now, I needed a hug, so thank you." I say with a smile. "I would hug you again but I don't wanna hurt you, so should we grab your stuff and get the fuck out of here?" He says. "Yes please." I say. He grabs a few things I say he should take and packs it for me in the same bag I had with me at the mendes house.
(He took some things out and repacked it for me) And before I know it we're in his car driving to his place.
On the way he tells me he has his own apartment, so there won't be anyone asking questions and such.

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