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Kelsey's POV.

The drive there doesn't take too long, so before I know it we're there. "Kels, promise me you're gonna be safe okay?" Scott says when I go out of the car. "Promise." I say with a smile. I then walk a few meters up the road as he dropped me off on around the corner from our condo, just in case. When I reach the condo my phone beeps.

The clumsy boy🤓💕:
I succeeded!! Patiently waiting in the closet for you ;)

That cute girl😍✨:
See you soon 👀

He really can't help himself. I walk up to the door.
*At our condo*
I unlock the door and steps inside but before I know it, my beloved mother is standing right in front of me. "Kelsey, where the hell have you been!?" She yells at me. She then speaks again before I can even answer. "Were you with Shawn!?" She yells again. "I wasn't, but I at least know I couldn't stay here!" I yell back. "You can't just escape your room and not give any signs from you in over 24hrs!" She yells. "Like you even care where I was anyway!" I scream at her this time. "Of course I care, what mother wouldn't!" She says while still yelling. "So now you suddenly care about me? Where's the damn caring when YOUR boyfriend hits me every time I come home HUH?" I say as loud as I can and with so much anger. She doesn't answer me but then drags me upstairs to my room. "This time your punishment is secured, I found a way to lock your window!" She yells at me and then walks over to lock the window. She then rushes out of the room and locks the door and walks away. The minute she's gone I burst into crying on my bed. I don't even notice Shawn comes out of the closet until he's pulling me into a hug. We don't really say anything, we just sits there cuddling, or wait I don't say anything at least. Shawn whispers something in my ears once in a while. "It's gonna be alright, you'll get through this." He whispers after a while. He then starts humming and not long after I fall asleep in his arms.

Shawn's POV.

Kelsey just fell asleep on me. She looks so beautiful when she sleeps ugh. Wish I could just tell her how I feel about her, but I don't think she feels the same way, especially after this Scott guy has come into her life. All I wanna do is cuddle her and kiss her. My thoughts get distracted when her phone starts to ring. I carefully reach for it, without waking her up and pick up without looking who the caller was. I whisper a hey to the person calling. "Wait who's this? Where's Kelsey?" The person says. I take the phone down and look who the caller is. "It's Shawn, she's sleeping right now, what's up Scott?" I ask as quietly I can. "Oh hey Shawn! Just wanted to check if everything was okay, since I haven't heard anything." He says. "It is, at least for now. Her mom locked her in her room and she even locked the window too, she's crazy man." I say with a sigh. "Thankfully she isn't alone this time, you're there and I know she appreciates that a lot." He says. "Yeah, I guess now I can finally get to thank you, myself for helping her and being there for her when I couldn't be." I say. "Of course, no worries! She's pretty amazing, you're lucky you've known her longer than me." He says. "She really is, isn't she." I say while looking at her peaceful sleeping. "She is indeed! Okay now that I'm talking to you, could I ask you on some advice?" He asks. "Sure, what's on your mind?" I say while just admiring Kelsey. "Since you're her best friend, you wouldn't happen to know, what the perfect place to take her on a date would be?" He asks. There we have it. I knew it something is going on between them. My thoughts gets interrupted by Scott speaking again. "Ay Shawn you there?" He asks. "Yeah yeah, I'm here. As cheesy as it sounds, she's really into music. She has this YouTube channel with her making dance choreography to the music she adores and I don't know if she has told this but she plays piano as well so probably something with that would do it." I tell him. "Sweet, thank you Shawn! I'll figure something out, much appreciated." He says happily. "Yeah, no worries! You should probably know her favorite food is Italian and sushi too." I say.
Why am I even doing this for him. "Aw she has good taste. Thanks again!" He says. "So Kels told me you make music too?" I ask him changing the subject. "Yes, yes I do!" He says all happy. "Like a serious thing? Like are you signed or?" I ask. "Yeah, I'm signed to Warner Music Canada actually, how about you? Because Kels told me you were away touring, so I suppose you're signed too?" He asks. "That's great man! And yes I am, signed to Islans Records." I say.
We just continues to talk about our music and such, but then Kels starts to move a little. She opens her eyes slowly and looks at me with a smile. "Hey, who's on the phone?" She says when she sees I'm using her phone. While she says that Scott speaks on the phone as well, but I didn't hear what he said, so I just answer Kels. "It's Scott, he wanted to check up on you." I simply say. "Put on the speaker please." She says, so that's what I do. "Hey it's me, I'm okay." Kelsey says. "Ayy you're awake! Now that I have heard you're okay, I will let you guys alone." Scott says. She chuckles when he says it. She must be into him. They share their byes and I hear my name get mentioned. "Well Shawn it was nice to meet you, well sort of, I mean we're on the phone but I think you get what I mean." Scott says. "Nice to meet you too, was nice talking to you." I say. We then all say our byes and I hang up.
Kelsey then starts speaking. "Hey, I just remembered that I actually never got to hear about how tour was?" She says. We pretty much ends up talking for hours. Suddenly her stomach starts to make noises. I ask her if she's hungry and she nods. "Well good I brought snacks with me." I tell her and then go to the closet to grab the backpack I brought along. "Well you have a smart side of you  after all." She says with a laugh when I approach her with the snacks. "Oh I have many other sides you wish you could see." I say with a smirk. "Well I have seen two sides so far and well one was the asshole side." She says all cocky.
After that comment none of us really say anything. An awkward silence, like neither one of us know what to say or do after that. Kelsey picks up her phone after awhile of it being really awkward, so I just do the same. About after an hour she starts to look sleepy, so I ask her if we should go to bed and she just nods. So we cuddle together in her bed and we're off to sleep.

*Next morning* (still Shawns POV)

We both get woken up by my phone ringing several times. "Argh are you kidding me!" Kelsey says all grumpy, in her cutest morning voice. "So sorry, I thought I had turned the sound off last night." I say while looking at her still half asleep. She then rolls over and open her eyes, a bit more awake. "What time is it even?" She asks. I look at my phone and it says 10 in the morning, so I announce it to her. She then rubb her eyes like a baby, aw so cute. Then now being fully awake she asks who even called me to cause us to get woken up, so I check it. "Oh fuck it was my manager!" I say a bit loud this time. I immediately send him a text about what's up and sorry that I missed the call. Kelsey just looks up at me with those beautiful eyes of hers while I text. My manager immediately texts back asking about updates on the new music I was supposed to be working on while being home. "Crap I totally forgot about that!" I say without even realizing I said it out loud than in my head until Kelsey asks what's up. "I wasn't lying when I told you that I had to work on music while being home, and I completely forgot and my manager just asked what's the update on it is and I haven't even started yet!" I say panicking a little. I then speak again. "And I can't even get out of here fuck!" I say panicking even more. At this point we're sat up in her bed. Kelsey then tries to calm me down by just rambling.

Kelsey's POV.

After saying that he's trapped in here, he starts to panic even more. I had no idea he had it like this. I then try to calm him down by just talking about the most random things and make him take deep breaths while I talk. After some time he finally has calmed down. I then tell him my idea I thought about while I calmed him down. "What if I help you write a song? I mean I have my laptop, and the guitar you gave me?" I ask him. His face then lights up as a little kid on Christmas Day getting exactly what it wished for and then speaks. "Fuck yes Kels! That's the best freaking idea, that'd be amazing!" He says all excited and then attacks me with a hug. He's such a child aww. The hug lasts for quite long until he slowly starts to pull back, but only halfway doing that our eyes meets and we stare into each other's eyes. Shawn then leans in and before I can even think about anything his lips are on mine, but before I can even react or do anything they're gone again. Not really knowing what had just happened, I walk over to get my laptop and guitar, then bring it back to Shawn who's still sitting on my bed. We don't say anything about what just happened, we just start talking about the song, like thoughts on ideas for the lyrics and such. Shawn plays around with the guitar while I'm sat with the laptop. He starts playing a riff that catches my attention, so I ask him to play it again. He does what I say and I write down some lines that comes to mind while he plays. Then show him what I have written. "Kels this is amazing!" He says with a big smile. After a good few hours we actually have made a song together, and it goes like this "You've got a hold on me
Don't even know your power
I stand a hundred feet...

Enjoy! More to come soon ;)

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