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Last time on "What am I even to you?" Shawn texted Kelsey about having her come over somehow as they were both bored.. Now continue to read below.

That cute girl😍✨: I will try to find out something bare with me until I text back :)
Right after I send that text I walk out of my room and downstairs. I call out my mom but no responds. I see a note on the table in the kitchen. "Hey sweetie, I had to go shopping for food, I'll be back in like an hour x" Oh yes this couldn't get better! I walk right up to my room to get change clothes. I already had sweatpants on so I just took a hoodie on with a plain t-shirt under it. My hair looks alright nothing to worry about there. Then I text Shawn.
The clumsy boy 🤓💕:
What's your address??
He wrote immediately and I walk out of the condo. I read the address again and type it into my maps to get a directions. I takes me 10 mins to get there. I ring on the doorbell and not long after Shawn is at the door smiling at me. "You made it come on in!" He says. We walk up to his room. When I walk in I see gutairs and notes, posters with gutairs literally everywhere. We sit on his bed. "So how did you managed to actually come?" He asks. "Believe me or not but my mom literally left a note saying she had gone out to shop food for our condo! It couldn't have been easier." I say with a laugh. "For real? Wow she told you if you went somewhere you had to tell her but she doesn't wtf." He says with a laugh too. "Exactly! That's gonna be my argument when she gets home and I'm not there." I say. "She's probably gonna be pissed af though." He says. "She will I know, but what can I do at the condo all by myself? My laptop broke not long ago so the only thing I have right now is my phone. What else could I do but watch something? I've made a friend who I can hang with so I don't really care." I say. "That's true, and you're always welcome here don't worry!" He says smiling. We decided on making popcorn and watch a movie on his laptop. When we were making the popcorn Shawn's sister comes into the kitchen. "Aye you're making popcorn without telling me!" She says. "Whoops, now that you found out I'll make some for you too Aaliyah." Shawn says. Alright so his sisters name is Aaliyah. She's so pretty omg. "Thank you Shawn! Oh who's your friend there?" She asks with a smirk. Wow this family loves to smirk. "It's Kelsey, she just moved into the neighbourhood today! Make her feel welcome." Shawn says. "Well hello Kelsey I'm Aaliyah Shawn's little sister." She says. Little sister? She's higher than me omg. "Well hello! How old are you? Sorry to ask so randomly but you're so high omg." I ask. " I'm 13. And you? It's not weird don't worry I'm living with this guys so I'm used to it." She says pointing at Shawn. "13? Wow you're high ohmygosh I feel little! I'm 16 and yeah I already got a thought that he is." I say smirking. Well now I did it too whoops. "HEY! I'm not that weird." Shawn buts in. While Shawn and Aaliyah argue if he's weird or not I check the popcorns. "The Popcorns are ready guys!" I yell out. They both come quick. Aaliyah take hers and disappears quickly without saying anything else. We take our up to Shawn's room with water too. We watch the movie and I felt asleep at the end. Next thing I know is that I wake up and I'm not in my own room and there's someone beside me. Where am I? Oh right I was at Shawn's last night. I look at the clock and it says 9:15am. Shit I felt asleep at his house!  My mom is gonna flip at me. I hear noise from Shawn's side. "Morning." Comes from his mouth. "Hey, morning um I have to go immediately!" I say. Walking out of his bed. "Ay why so quick?" He asks more awake. "Shawn my mom is gonna flip at me because I didn't come home last night!" I say with a lot of worry. "Oh shit!" He says and stands up. "I'm gonna get into so much trouble Shawn!" I say. "Shh come here." He says pulling me into a hug. "It will be fine don't worry. If you need anything I'm here for you." He says still hugging me. Thank you so much!" I say letting lose from the hug. Shawn walks me home and hugs me again when we arrive outside the condo. "Be safe okay?" He says looking into my eyes. "I will don't worry." I say smiling. He hugs me one more time, and then walks away waving at me. After I waved back I walk into the condo.
Right when I walk inside my mom is there. "You're in so much trouble Kelsey!" She says. "Yeah yeah." I say. "Where have you been all night?" She asks. "When you went out shopping I had nothing to do so I went to Shawn's house. We were watching a movie I most have felt a sleep at the end, and I didn't wake up until this morning." I say. "That boy is bad company for you Kelsey! I'm forbidding you to see or hang with him again!" She says. "You can't just do that mom! He's my only friend here and he's not as bad as you think he is! You don't even know him!" I say. "Conversation over no buts I'm forbidding you!" She says and walks away. "UGHHH FUCK THIS!" I yell and walk up to my room. Immediately I call Shawn. But I lock my door first so she can't get in. After I told him everything he said we could still be friends but had to be careful. Days went by and we still had contact with each other. When my home was away he came to my condo and if she came back while he was still here he hides in my closet until she's gone and climbs out of the window as it's on first floor. It has been working for awhile but now I start school tomorrow which is gonna mess this up. Shawn takes online lessons so he doesn't have to go to school. We've decided on meet in my lunch breaks to get lunch together so we could see each other at least once a day. It's currently 9:30pm so I'm heading to bed. Next morning I wake up at 7:00am as I'm supposed to take the bus to school. But I'm just gonna walk to the stop and Shawn's gonna be there so I'm happy. I find an outfit and grabs my bag then I head downstairs to get an able as I don't talk much to my mom at the moment. "Bye mom." I say when I'm walking out of the door. She thinks I'm taking the bus but ain't. When I arrive at the stop Shawn's already there. "Hey, morning sweetie." He says smiling. "Morning weirdo! Thank you so much for driving me to school you're the best!" I say. "No problem at all, if I get to see you like this then I'll do it. You might think how he can drive. Well he's 17 which a year older than me and he got his licenses 6 months ago. On the way to school we catch up a little and listen to music on the radio. When he drops me off he wish me a good day and that he'll see me at lunch. When I walk into the school people looks weird at me. Wow yay already judged just great. I find the principal's office and walks there. I get my schedule and locker number. I walk to my first class which is English. Two years on this school I am not ready. The classes went by and it's lunch time finally. I meet up with Shawn at a Cafe right around the corner from the school. We order our food and sits down to talk. We can literally talk about everything together it's unbelievable. He's such a great friend but my mom can't see that. He makes me so so happy. Lunch went by way too quick because before I knee of it I had to go back to school. We hug and say our byes. He would be there to pick me up too after school. My last classes went by and I'm not done for today. I got no friends today or anyone talking to me great.
Shawn was parked right outside of the entrance thankfully. He drives me home and we talk on the way. He tells me that he started to post videos of him singing on this new app called Vine. He's such a great singer I'm really happy for him. Hopefully someone will notice him. We arrive at the stop and he side hugs me. We say our byes once again. Days and weeks like this went by and it turned to months. My mom still doesn't know I see Shawn literally everyday.

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Lots of love

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