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"So you think by the followings that we have, that we could start a protest outside the main building to make our request heard?" Jisung repeated, looking Chenle in the eyes and refusing to look away.

Mark nodded, sporting a cute smile whenever Donghyuck looked at him.

"Do you think it could be work?" Donghyuck quipped, eyes drifting over to the Chinese presenter to read his face. "This could end our careers."

Mark winced, knowing that what they were asking was risky, but truly none of the four of them could stand another two years of this.

"I think that it'll be enough to grab their attention if we request they cause no damage. If no money is needed and if no damage is made, what can they fire us for? It's our social medias and they don't control those," Chenle started, tilting his head by the window to catch the sun which shone so warmly down on them. "Even if it all backfires, we're valuable. We could practically get a job anywhere we went, not that I want to sound cocky or anything..."

Jisung smiled to himself. How could one guy make him feel like this? It was quite unfair, wasn't it?

Oh but that golden smile Chenle had complimented his beautiful facial structure. Everything about the older was perfect in the Korean boy's eyes which were glimmering with happiness.

"I think we should go for it," Jisung whispered, edging his hand over to Chenle's hoping that the shorter wouldn't pull it away.

To his surprise, Chenle grasped onto his hand, sending him a reassuring smile as he did so.

And now, with agreement from all four boys, they decided the plan they had was possibly their last chance at being the famous 'Chensung' and 'Markhyuck' couple that the public had grown to love.

With their fingers interlaced and small but irreplaceable smiles tugging at their lips as they refused to tear their gazes from each other.

"Let's hope this works."

𝘀𝗶𝗹𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴; chensungWhere stories live. Discover now