CHAPTER THIRTY: Pans realisation

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Pans POV-

Wendy has been doing an acceptable job with helping her sister use and control her magic in the past couple of days, I've seen improvement with Ari attitude as well... Wendy must know how to calm Ari or something!

With Baelfire gone, Wendy has been interacting with the others more often... including Felix and myself, surprisingly.

I never really noticed her features! I was too focused on her attitude, personality and movement that I never realised how blue her eyes are and how they sparkle when she laughs, or her sweet smile or the way she... wait, what am I thinking? I can't go soft! Not now... not ever.

Shit, shit, shit, I can't be falling... love is weakness.

The story that was never told! (OUAT-Neverland)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora