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Jade Pov

We've been her for only a day we woke up Fresh also in new clothes, All of us got out our room to try and find some food, As we all went to the cafeteria area it was a bit crowded, "Hey guys, how about let's just get food and eat in our room. Its too crowded here" I say as we all line up to get our food.


It took a while but we finally got out of the cafeteria, we chatted a bit as we walked through the hallways but what lauren said scared me a little bit "Hey guys remember those two people we found outside?"

"Yeah, why?" Liam asked drinking his juice.

"I saw them at the cafeteria, the boy was turning green a little bit. Whats with that?" She asked.

"I thought the guards didn't let them in, he looks sick" Perrie said anxiously.

"They probably snuck in or the guards just think there fine, but lets keep an eye out for them okay?" I say as we arrived at our room.

We ate in Peace as we listened to the radio for any information. "The Virus Has spread towards all of United Kingdom, United States, Europe and Parts of Asia other countries are still unkown considering we are trying to contact there governments. But we advice you all to stay safe, lock the doors, stack up food and supplies and dont get any contact with infected, Just so you'll all know the symptoms are aggresive and violent behavior, Bared teeth, green or yellow-ish skin, and fever. Infected People usually turn in 5 minutes to a day deppending on the size of the bite."


After a couple minutes of chatting sirens go off, "Everybody stay calm! Infected sightings near the cafeteria! Please stay indoors until the guards get it in contr- AHHHH!" The Owner of the school Yelled as we all Panic.

People started to scream outside, a mixture of snarls and groans. I peek out the curtains just in time for an infected to jump scare me "AH" i scream, but covered my mouth not to lure anymore infected.

"Theres too many of them, we have to get out of here now!" Lauren demanded, already getting her things as we all scramble to gear up.

We all stand by the door, Perrie next to me shaking "Jade, what if i cant shoot in time" she said, her voice shaking.

"Pez, Remember what i thaught you okay? I know you can do it, dont let you're nervousness get the best of you" she nods, finally feeling confident enough as she hold her Gun.

Lauren slowly opens the door but jumps back once an infected woman stands infront of her, she quickly shoots her in the head with her revolver "cmon guys, lets go" we all follower her, good thing its less crowded at the second floor.

We walk down the stairs cautiously, the walls full of blood and things abandoned on the floor. We finally get to the main area near the exit but was met by a dozen infected, "Guys we each hit one okay? To avoid attracting more of them" i say as we all aim at each of them, Lauren counts to three as thirteen muffled gunshots were heard.

we all sprinted towards the entrance but one infected who doesn't have a lower body grabs Perrie's ankle causing her body to slam towards the floor "AH" she screamed as her head hits hard on the floor.

"Perrie!" I run towards the infected hitting its head with the bottom of my gun, the rest of them fight of the hoard of infected that Was attracted to Perrie's scream.

Once the infected was on the ground it grabbed my legs when i try to run away from it causing me to fall to the ground, it climbs on me its bared teeth inching closer towards my face. I close my mouth not wanting blood to get in.

It inches closer but it didn't bite me instead i heard a gunshot as it fell to the ground beside me, i look up and saw Perrie still pointing her gun towards it. She smiled " i did it!" She said in a proud tone as i chuckle getting up.

As the others finish of the last infected, Lauren sighs in relief "Lets get out of here, i think theres still a few more of them upstairs" We all nod running out the exit Harry leading the way towards the Van.

As we get in we all take a break for a moment  "Where are we gonna stay now?" Dinah asked whiping of her sweat, i turn on the radio listening to the news "well we could go back to my apa-" the radio cuts Harry off  "The Apartment complex near Manchester High has been overun by them as well as Manchester High school, so i advice any of you to NOT go to these Places"

"Well, I dont know."

Apocalyptic Love (Jerrie, Larry, Camren)Where stories live. Discover now