Well, That's Just shitty

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"Woah, its like one of those hidden doors in movies" Perrie said in awe.

"Well, i'll be impressed if this thing has a key" Jade deadpanned while pointing towards the Lock thats also camouflage.

"Dammit, we are one step closer towards the Papers, i could pretty much smell it!" Harry exclaimed completely oblivious to Perrie's glare.

They all scattered around the Hallway trying to find the missing key, Well it's not Very easy considering when Harry  low-key got traumatized when he opened a door that revealed a pretty gruesome sight.

Perrie opened a door that led to a small room with a person-well not technically a Person more like Human-got-bit-then-turned, but its not moving. Never mind it's still alive just tied to the black office Chair its sitting on. She eyed the Black key thats inside the pocket on his shirt. Just a couple inches away from its Mouth.

"Shit, do i have to?" The blonde whined to Practically no one.

"Alright Perrie, you got this" She said to her self moving Closer to the Squirming infected Person who is also trying to bite the rope that he is incased in.

She slowly moved her hand towards the pocket only to flinch back as the Person almost bit her hand. She shook her head, "uh, uh. Not today Satan, i'll just kill you, easy peasy."

She took her gun and turned it over so that shes pointing the end of the gun at the infected instead of the muzzle, she took a deep breath then finally. She stabbed the end of the gun at the Infected's head making it crumble and crack under it, she grimace at the sight of the dark almost black blood that oozed out of its rotten head then onto the floor as she took the gun back.

"I'm cleaning this later, disgusting" she muttered. taking the keys from the now Dead Person's Pocket, then headed out to meet the others.

"Guys i found it!" She exclaimed showing the black key in her hand.

"How did you know its the one?" Jade asked taking the keys from Perrie.

"Well dummy, it says here look" she said taking the keys back then showing Jade the tiny word engraved on it.

Room Z-10

Then Jade looked at the door that also has letters engraved on it thats also camouflage matching the color of the door, she squinted her eyes.

Room Z-10

"Oh" Jade said jaw dropped as she didn't even notice tha letters.

"I'm also smart you know, also close you're mouth baba. You might catch flies" Perrie said walking over to Jade closing her mouth.

"W-well, i actually never said you weren't"

Harry took the keys from Perrie then Carefully inserting it inside the lock, turning it once as he hears a small click as the door opens slightly.

"Bingo" He muttered putting the keys in his pocket.

"Well, i hope this room's the one because we spent a whole ass Fooking 40 minutes to find it." Louis said in an annoyed tone crossing his arms.

They all went inside the vault like room once they did they saw Computers, Papers, vialls filling it to the brink. It was also pretty clean as well as nobody would have gotten inside without the key.

"See, it's the right room" Jade said proudly closing the door so nothing would get in.

"Fooking Finally!" Louis Exclaimed, "Now, lets hurry up so we can get out of here, my feet are hurting."

"Ok, everybody find anything  related to the virus, but don't touch the vialls it may be dangerous" Jade commanded as the rest nodded their heads then going straight to work.

As they start to scatter a bald Man in his mid 30's Stood up from his hiding position Behind the drawers, then points his Gun at Perrie's head who immediately raised both her hands to her head.

"Hey, hey! No need to kill anyone, were just here to look for information" Jade quickly said, slowly putting her right hand on her pocket where her small axe is located as subtly as possible.

The man points the gun quickly at Jade once she finishes speaking, " you kids better get the fuck out of here, these informations are for me and only me!" He yelled now pointing the gun at harry who yelped in response.

"Hey Man! Put the gun down, and tell me how you went inside this room" Jade said calmly as to not provoke the man.

"I followed you guys, well i did try to kill blondie over here using the tied up zombie as bait" He chuckled maniacally as Perrie's eyes widened.

"Mate, no did to kill here were all friends right?" Louis said slowly walking closer to the man.

Instead the he puts louis in a chokehold.

The lad wheezes trying to take the Man's arm off his neck, "Hey!" Harry yelled to distract the Man as he noticed Jade slowly walking behind him holding her axe.

The Man turns to look at Harry, when Jade Slams the Axe on his head making him Dropping on the ground as he releases louis from his hold, blood oozing from his head.

"Psycho" Jade muttered as Perrie hid behind her while Harry Helps louis as he was in a coughing fit.

"Jeez, that dude is crazy!" Louis yelled breathlessly as he was now getting oxygen.

They all looked at the now dead guy on the floor.

"Who should take him out? I'll vomit if none of us will" Perrie said looking away from the Gash filled with blood.

"I'll do it, you guys find the info"Jade volunteered.

"a couple of minutes later"

As Jade finally came back from putting the dead Man outside the room, Perrie eyed a Paper that has the word Z-10 Virus.

"Guy's i think this is it!" She exclaimed as the other three quickly walked towards the area where Perrie was at.

The Z-10 Virus

Test number 10, very much a fail-why did we even do this? Anyway, very very fail. Two of the Test subjects turned aggresive this wasn't supposed to happen, this serum was supposed to make our soldiers more stronger instead they are now going against them. If anyone is reading this at the moment i'm gonna be dead now so you can't talk to me. we called this the Z-10 Virus because its pretty much obvious they are Zombies, we created 10 of them so Z-10 do you feel me?  Wow reading it now sounds shitty, anyways. We haven't found the cure yet but scientist like myself have been finding a solution so it might take a while, just survive for as long you can, and if you get bitten you'll turn in minutes it depends on the size of the bite. If you have a tiny nibble on you're finger it might take an hour, if it chopped your arm off you'll change in seconds if it bit you're finger Amputate it immidiately if you got the time. To survive go to less populated places, safe military bases or even tall hills because These Z's can't climb and i surely hope that they don't evolve-to avoid Zombie Hoards and please get out of the city while you can, months from now the world will be filled with zombies and without a cure we just need to kill them. Restore humanity.

"Fucking Hell, This Hell hole started as an experiment. of course it did!" Louis yelled in anger taking the Paper then putting it in his pocket.

"Well, this is shitty." Jade looked at them, "we need to get out of here, the cities just a few feet away from us these things could go in groups and out number us."

The four finally exited the building after a long time of staying inside the Dark place.

"Finally! Their here!" Dinah yelled as the others sighed in relief.

"Woah guys, it looks like a warzone out here, what happened?" Perrie asked jumping over the corpse of the dead infected's.

"They attacked, so we also did" Lauren said letting them in then closing the vans door.

"We need to get out of here and to some less populated places" Jade said handing the paper to Jesy as the group hundled around it.

"Sure, Let's go" Liam said turning the Car on.

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