Amputations & Separations

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Nope, nope, nope, bad idea. As you may know, right now all of them are running, that's right. Running, the fire that was hidden behind the trees were a trap, there were a huge hoard of infected in the forest, whoever dumb ass placed that their wanted them to be killed.

"Jade! The Cars not working!", Harry yelled from the Car he was the first on to it, his heart was beating fast he looked at his friends running towards him, the giant hoard just a few feet behind.

"Ah, shit!", Jade shrieked, she tried to start the car herself, but ended up punching the door that didn't really do anything.

She looked around, all of them were right next to the van, the hoard of Dead, rotten and dangerous infected were just about to reach them, they were trying to fight it off.

"shit, shit, shit.", she mumbled, getting her gun ready.

Then it started, what looked like the leader of the hoard, shrieked as if telling the others to charge. No mercy.

"Everybody just fight! Don't waste your ammunition, use your guns if necessary!", Lauren instructed, her face was turning red and she was shaking.

They started to fight, Dinah killed the first infected making the whole hoard to get angry, the others following, there were blood, skin and bones flying everywhere, they were fighting for survival, while the infected were fighting for food, they all looked frail and skinny maybe because they didn't have anything to eat so they were very aggressive.

"Camila, watch out!", Lauren shot the infected man that was about to blind side Camila.

"shit! Thanks Lo!"

They weren't done.

"guys! I'm on my last round!", Liam announced, now using an axe he brought with him, the chances of him getting bit was high, the axes handle was to short for his liking, but he can't do anything about it.

It was claustrophobic, Niall can't concentrate.

"Niall! Please focus!", Ally pleaded, the boys breathing was fast as if he was about to past out, the hoard was so close, that once one of them reaches out it could be fatal.

"i-im tr-trying!", he stuttered out, the recoil of his gun making him jump backwards, his back hitting the van.

"guy's! There's too many of them!", Jade yelles out, her gun was out, only using a machete.

"what should we do? I-i don't think i could go much longer.", Niall said breathing out heavily, he was weak his phobia wasn't good for this.

"just run! Run as far and as fast as you can.", Jade said as she was slicing a dead women's shoulder off.

Just after killing enough infected to move around they ran, ran as fast as there legs can take, good thing their management team made them exercise daily, for once it came in handy.

Jade and Harry were leading the way, they were all going towards the woods so they hope the hoard would loose them, they were beyond exhausted but they didn't stop, Niall was tripping every once in a while causing Liam to stop for a quick second to put the poor lad on his back then continued on running.

"were not loosing them! Jade! I wan't you to lead the others too safety, were too Many!", Lauren requested running side to side with Jade, they were still in the forest and were loosing parts of the hoard, but not enough for them to stop, so splitting up to split the hoard was the only option.


"Jade! Listen, we'll be safe, all of us will meet again, i promise. Just go to a safe place.", Lauren was practically begging, they couldn't fight all of them off without splitting it, so Jade nodded.

"i'll go right you go left, 5H girls on you! I'll lead the rest!", Lauren nodded taking her bandmates hands then finally, all of them sprinted to their destinations, a part of the hoard followed them, the rest of the remaining followed the rest of the girls and the lads.

"guy's lets run a little bit more further away from them, then we can fight them off.", Jade ordered causing the remaining of her friends nodded, runnig as fast as they can.

They ran further almost 20 feet away from the hoard that was enough, Jade looked over her shoulder. Looks like they lost some on there way there was about 20 infected following them now, they stopped then started to fire their remaining guns, Liam, Jade, Jesy and Leigh-Anne were using knives, machetes, Axes and crowbars.

Well, one infected was lucky, everything went slow, he bit Liam's left wrist.



Well, he screamed louder as Jade used her machete to slice his wrist off, his mouth was agape, silent screaming becuase of the pain.

While the others were fighting of the last six infected Jade aided a screaming Liam, she quickly pulled off her sleeveless hoodie, leaving her in a tank top and wrapped it as tightly as she could to stop the bleeding. She doesn't know if the infection reached his arm, the only thing she knows is that the bite was big enough to make him turn in less than 15 minutes, good thing she chopped it off in time.


Fortunately all of them managed to kill all of them, Liam couldn't feel his arm maybe because Jade chopped everything off just an inch above his wrist. He was still in so much pain, but he's also thankful as Jade singlehandedly saved his life.

They were all so tired but they needed to walk some more to try and find shelter and maybe even come across the other group, if they're alive. They could only hope.

"shit, Liam, are you alright mate?", Louis asked as him and Niall helpee the boy off the ground.

He winced as he slowly stood up, "yeah, Jade saved me.", he said while trying to smile, everybody could tell he was in Pain.

"All Payne no Liam, right?", Niall joked making all of them giggle.

"well, i am still here, so you're joke did not work.", he said making him pout, Niall was fine, just a bit breathless as he did almost passed out a while ago.

As they walked they all started to talk about plans on where to go, as they forgot where the van was and Harry was sure it ran out of gas," We should try to find shelter, you know to rest for a bit. I have some snacks left in my pack that we could eat while we regain are energy back.", Louis suggested wiping the sweat of his face with a clean part of his shirt.

Jade nodded, "that's actually a good plan, either ways we don't have any choice. We just need to find the right house without any infected in it, maybe even find the others along the way.", she said holding Perrie's hand as the blonde almost tripped over a piece of rock sticking out the ground.

They hope the others are still alive out there, considering they almost didn't.

Apocalyptic Love (Jerrie, Larry, Camren)Where stories live. Discover now