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"Thomas, you having to tutor me is torture, please go away."

"Hannah! Jake is staring at you."

I looked behind me and saw nothing.

 I slammed my head on the table.

"Your such a jerk!"

"I know."

But I guess this is how its gonna be now. Him all over me. This all started when I got really bad grades in math and my teacher had to phone my mom and I needed a tutor. 

I'm Hannah. Hannah Ryder. One word that is the most embarrassing word in the dictionary for me is dumb. Being dumb leads you to mad parents, and mad parents lead you to a lecture, and a lecture leads you to get tutored by a guy that you hate the most. Who is also your neighbor...

I absolutely hate Thomas. He is the smart one. The golden child. I hate school. For some people its to set their future. For me? Its wasting my time.  All the lifeless teachers, shitty students. But there is one perk in getting up early. Jake Ryan. The hottest boy at school. Just looking at him makes me melt. It dosn't help the fact that Jake is HIS best friend. Sadly, Thomas figured this whole thing out and now wont shut up. Kylie, My bestfriend thinks Thomas and me are soulmates. I started belirving that after awhile.

Then Everything changed.

Maybe I stopped liking Jake...

Maybe I did start liking Thomas...

Maybe I was getting good grades at school...

Maybe I got closer with my family...

But then my brother dies...

everything goes crashing down

Because it was my fault

This is a story about me and my life. How I overcame the mess I got in

I never thought I could find happiness after what had happened.

But it was already there, right underneath my eye.

*Authors Note: This story in the beginning is kinda confusing, the first three chapters show how Hannah was and how she and Thomas were to each other before the big accident that ruined her life. After that, that's when the real story shows present time.

Show Me LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora