Authors Note

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Hi guys! I really enjoy writing this story and sharing it with you. I am a very self-conscious girl. I don't think I am good for anyone. But reading and writing are one thing that keeps me alive. I don't mean to sound cringy but I want to make this a career. My parents say that they support my writing but I don't think so. Right now I have 244 views. I think that's a lot for a start, but they don't think that. All I am saying is to please support me along this new journey. Let me tell you all about me, I am in love with romance and Paris. I love musicals and soapy dramas. I love Highschool Musical. My fav. food is pizza no duh and dessert always will be brownies and ice cream. I love music and hate exercising. I am very short for my age but deal with it just fine. (all you have to do is either stay quiet or show attitude) Thank you so much!


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