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Thomas Pov:

I don't care about her? I don't care about her? 

I care for her every freaking day of my life. I know I don't show it but man this hurts so much. 

Seeing her in pain in denial. In despair.

 I could tell my face was red in anger and sadness by the time she finished her cute rant. I wanted to tell her. 

Caress her. And tell her what I feel.

She looked so thin and fragile. I was scanning her, as if i felt something was wrong.

Her wrist...

That was wrapped up and turning red second by second. I almost fainted.


"Thomas just you wait NOW! I'm still speaking!"

"Shut up Hannah! What the heck happened to your wrist??! 

You were fine during school today. What Happened!?"

Fear took over her when she dropped her eyes to her wrapped hand.

"Nothing you should care about." She mumbled quietly.


I yelled. She was almost in tears. I could see the confused look on her face. 

Why am I talking to her? Why am I giving her affection?

 I could tell she wasn't used to this so the only thing she did was mask up all her emotions and gave me a blank face back.

"Why? Why do you have every right? Huh? Wheres my right? My choice? Half of this school thinks I'm a freak because of you! When they see me, their faces show pity. And only Pity. I'm pretty sure they think, poor girl. She killed her brother. Now she is a goth. Heck, I don't even know what a freaking goth is. And I know I'm not emo cause I don't wear black. Thomas, I'm depressed. Thomas everyone hates me!I AM THE ONE WHO KILLED MY BROTHER! And that's all I will be ever labeled for. No one wants to help me. No one wants to be near me. Heck, I don't know why I let you in this house of all people.You wanna know about the bandage. I cut myself. I freaking harm myself to get away from the guilt I feel of tearing my family apart. To get away from being a killer. I don't know why I'm telling you this considering the moment daylight hits tomorrow everybody in this school will know that this freak sitting here cuts herself!"

My heart almost dropped, she cuts herself?

 The guilt slowly starts creeping in me. I can't believe all this time I was there I never noticed. 

She goes through so much. Her own parents are not there for her. 

This is unacceptable. I got to do something. I don't trust her living all by herself. I'll talk to my Mom

She will understand

"Hannah Please stop being dramatic"

Wrong this to say. I am just like my father.

She started sobbing. I closed my eyes.

 Why did I just say that? I started to go towards her but I stopped and headed out the door.

I don't know why I am so mean to her.

Is it because of rejection?

Is it because I'm scared I don't know.

I guess I can stop but I will change myself.

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