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Hannahs POV

After I heard those words come out of his mouth, I broke down crying. I couldn't stop. 

I don't know why but his words hurt me so much. I cried so much I got a panic attack. I needed to call kylie.

"Hannah! Oh my god, I came as fast as I could! Kylie yelled as she burst through my door.

I was still there crying

"Oh baby please tell me what happened, no tell me that after I calm you down. Deep breathes Hannah. Count to 10. 

I listened to her and did what she told me to do. 

They weren't as effective as Thomas, but they worked and her soothing words calmed me down.

"Hans, what happened?"

Kylie's eyes went down to my wrist. My very bloody wrist. "Babe... you did it again didn't you?

You harmed yourself."

I said nothing. I know this pains kylie so much. She is like a sister to me. The closest person in my life that knows everything about me. 

Slowly I felt her tears along with mine. We just sat there. Holding on to each other.

Soon Kylie let go of me and helped me get on a chair. 

We both sat in quiet for a while and then kylie asked me "Hannah what happened please tell me."

"Kylie I told him. I told him everything about me.

 He came over and then he acted as he cared. I really thought he did but at the end, he said I was being dramatic

Oh god, I saw kylie go red to tomato red. And that only happened when she was really angry. You can't calm her down. Like at all.

"That jerk! I mean I know babe your family is close to him, but as a human being, he did not have a right. 

And Hannah you can't live your life this way. You need to go back to your therapist. Please listen."

I said nothing and she sighed. "Come on I will get you to bed. I texted my parents that I will stay over with you today."

The next day things went on normal. 

I and kylie got dressed. I wore a full-sleeved shirt to cover up my wrist. 

"Girl we need a mind distracter. 

Let's skip school for today and go shopping!" To kylie, shopping is her savior. To me? Well, it's more of a nightmare. 

We decided to go to Christians at the mall. 

It's a cute little store which has cheap outfits but good quality. I couldn't stop thinking about what Thomas said to me.

 I usually don't care.

 His words are always harmful to me, but I couldn't take this at all. 

I can't stop thinking about the time when his soothing words helped me overcome my panic attack.

I shuddered. Why am I thinking of him right now? 

Kylie saw a guy staring at her

"Should I go over and flirt with him?" Ky asked quietly. 

"Nah go talk to him instead your crazy flirting is gonna scare him away."

"Shut up hand I'm going in!"

I gave her a thumbs up and she went over to him. 

I chuckled to myself. Hopefully, she will find love. 

I used to believe in love long ago, but I have given up. I gave up on everything. 

Reading, Writing good stories, and my beloved guitar.

 I pushed all these painful thoughts away and headed over to the pretzel cafe. 

I started paying for mini pretzel bites and queso

I was looking around at all the pretty paintings they did around the shop. It was dark but with just enough light.

I needed some dark place. Some dark aura.

 As I got my pretzel and went out of line, There I was face to face with Thomas. He was smirking. 

And I saw something in his eyes.  But he came up close to my face. "Hannah I honestly thought you were the last person I know who would actually step in this store, But I guess I was wrong." He said huskily. I shivered.

I cleared my voice and said formally, "Well you know me, where there is food, that's where I am."

No way was I gonna get some words to bring me down

 I wanted to scream, slap him, cry, shout I hate you! 

"Get the hell out of here Thomas please, go back to your girlfriend or whoever you came with.''

The lump was coming back again

 He chuckled. "Well, I don't know about that. 

His eyes changed to guilt, and gone was that unknown emotion swarming in his eyes

" Hannah I am so sorry about yesterday. What I said was not acceptable. at all.

 I didn't mean to call you dramatic,

I regret this with all my heart. I never want to hurt you.It's my anger. "

 I took a deep breath. I don't know what's happening to me.

 I wanted to say it's ok I forgive you! 

But I can't. Another part of me is saying no. I slowly pushed off him and said nothing. 

"I know it will take you time to forgive me but please do." 

" And get ready and packed, Your moving in with me and my family for a bit. 

All the details have been arranged." And then just as he came he left. Leaving me to regain my thoughts.

Wait... I was moving in with him?! That gorilla!?

He knew I would have screamed at him. 

But he found a way to distract me.

He did not mean that sorry at all 

That jerk. 

That idiot

 I'm not packing anything. I'm staying at my house and that's final.

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