Ch. 18 Skunked

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Let's start the New Year off right with another chapter! A 4871 word chapter at that!

I adore Wrecker yall just. I love he

The chapter is a bit messy and may feel a bit incomplete at times, but I'm really trying to forge ahead and get AT LEAST to Trust Shattered before the Bad Batch show comes out. I got until Feb or March if the rumors are correct. We've got a ways to go.
But hey, we're in it for the crazy!

I did actually post a shore peek at the extremely fluffy chapter 20: Toe the Line on my tumblr (ShadowsStoryStuff) if you want to see that!

Next chapter, chapter 19, is honestly all over the place again and a patchwork so no idea when that will be out. Actually, I didn't expect to have this chapter out until next week but I wanted to get something out today so... yeah never know when the next chapter will be out.

Content Warning: Anxiety mentions




The first oc of mine I encounter other than Trevor, and it's a god.

Max of all of 'em!

Maybe it's some sign you should really get back into True Colors. That story has been collecting dust for quite a while...

Can we focus?

"Back up," Hunter demanded. "You're saying a god just showed up?"

"Seems that way!" I retorted. "Unless you have another explanation for how he pulled a Houdini and vanished into thin air!"

"What's a Houdini?" Wrecker asked.

Right... "Nevermind."

"Why would a ruler of the seas of another planet present himself here to just vanish again?" Tech asked. "Assuming, of course, that he was real. Scientifically-"

"Science is nothing but an assemblage of experiments, theories, and supported hypotheses," I interrupted. "We're not even allowed to say a hypothesis is correct, only supported. Science isn't the answer to everything."

I hadn't really seen Tech mad before, but he looked close. Definitely offended. "How can you say that?!" he sputtered.

Boi I jump between fandoms like it's a demented game of inter-dimensional hopscotch, think I'm entitled to a little bit of doubt.

"Given the crazy stuff I've experienced?" I replied, shaking my head. "Doubt in established science is the only possible reaction. Comes a time when you gotta trust your eyes rather than what other people tell you."

He crossed his arms. "Well I didn't see anything."

"Hunter did, right?" I asked, rising from my position by my pack.

Hunter nodded. "But why would a god of the seas show up here in the middle of a forested planet lightyears away from his own?"

"I'm a Kelusian. The gods can track creatures connected to their planets even across galaxies. And Maxolyn isn't just god of the seas," I said. "He covers health, dreams, and adventures. Adventurers actually pray to him before going on a quest. If he shows himself, the quest is blessed." I laughed briefly at the rhyme before continuing. "But if he doesn't, it's bad luck. Sailors do the same. If he shows, it's a blessed voyage. If not... well you can figure what that means."

Sailors always were a superstitious lot, what with their distrust of Fridays and bananas.

"So you prayed to him?" Hunter asked, tone hopeful. "That's why he showed up. Not some other reason?"

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