Ch. 2 ~A'pealin'~

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I am a simp for Hunter. That is all.

Mainly just language, a reference to a possible blood fetish on Tech's part.


I immediately knew it wasn't Tech with a gloved and semi-armored hand on my shoulder. How? See, my bed wasn't normal. Shocking, right? Since when are self-insert characters not quirky and unique? I was no exception. My bed was actually a mid-loft bed, two sets of drawers able to fit underneath and still room left for a small nest of pillows and blankets.

All that to say it couldn't have been Tech because he wouldn't have been able to reach as far over the rail. Crosshair wouldn't dare be in here, and Wrecker was much noisier...

"Sergeant... for your sake I better still be dreamin'."

"I'm afraid not, Shadow."

You better be afraid. Smacking his hand off my shoulder, I twisted my head to glare at him as he stood by my bed in full armor. "First you break my plate then you break into my room? Motherfucker, one more infraction and I'm breakin' your nose." I rolled over and shifted deeper into the covers. "See how handsome that face of yours is then."


I glanced over my shoulder at the sergeant, who wore a mix of amusement and surprise on his tattooed face. Fighting the urge to roll my eyes, I replied, "I'm grey not blind. You have a conventionally attractive face and your hair is nice."

A brow quirked up. "Thought you said you couldn't flirt?"

I snorted and faced away from him again. "That's not me tryin' to flirt, you wanna see me try to flirt? You didn't strike me as a masochist. Why put yourself through that?"

"Now you've got me curious, Shadow," Hunter remarked dryly.

My own response was dry as well. "Do I now? Guess I just have to oblige." I flipped back to face him. "Very well, Sergeant Hunter. Want a taste of my horrible flirtin' skills? Just remember, you wanted this. So, tell me, are you old wallpaper?"

His brow furrowed. Clearly that wasn't the direction he thought I was gonna go. "Old wallpaper?"

"Yeah, cause I find you..." A near wicked grin twisted my lips. "A'pealin."

He made a face, but it didn't hide his grin. "That was horrible."

"No shit," I snickered, rolling over again. "Now be gone and let me sleep a big longer."

"Sorry, Shadow. Time to get up. We have a mission to do and we've delayed enough as is."

"Didn't I say if you wake me up before seven I'd send you flyin'?"

"Chronometer reads seven-o-one."

Well fuck, he had me there. But I still wasn't quite ready to get up. I squinted over my shoulder at him, slowly gripping the edge of the sheet. "Like a shadow, I am gone. Whoosh." Dramatically, I pulled the covers back over my head.

He reached over the rail and tugged at the covers. "Come on. I sent the others to gather last minute stuff. You need to get up and ready."

"No, I don't think I will," I retorted, smacking his hand.



"I won't ask again."

I was far too tired to give a shit about the fact his officer tone had crept in. "Good."

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