Ch. 3 ~Bigger on the Inside~

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I have literally only seen a quarter of a doctor who episode, but I'm on tumblr enough lol. I do have a bag I call the Tardis!

Anyways, here I am with another chapter and more stupidity! From here on out the chapter upload schedule will get... wonky. College starts next week and I not ready....

But at least the topics are fun! Environmental Policy, Weather and Climate, and Intro to Environment! Plus a Comtemp lit class for my English minor ^^

Content Warnings: Anxiety and language.


"No, nothing's wrong," I said. You know, like a liar.

Hunter set down the glass and held my gaze. He said nothing, one brow slowly raising.

"I'm serious!"

He continued to hold my gaze steadily, still not saying a word. Brown eyes slowly narrowed. Oh man... not the Look TM .

"Seriously, nothing's wrong..."

"I would believe you," he said slowly. "If it weren't for the cortisol flowing off you."

My eyes widened. Busted: Part 2 . "Oh... right. You're part bloodhound."

"Not sure what a bloodhound is. But you can ask me a question, I don't mind."

I blinked in surprise. How did he...?

"I've worked with anxious individuals before enough to know when they've got a question on their mind but are hesitant to ask," he explained.

"I should have figured," I grumbled. "You are the leader of Clone Force Ninety-Nine. Makes sense you'd be good at readin' people."

Hunter remained silent for a moment. "So... what is it you want to ask?" he pressed before taking another sip of his drink.

Just ask... tell anxiety and the horse it rode in on to piss off.

Easier said than done.

But I took a deep breath and hesitantly asked, cheeks burning, "Could... could I see your helmet?"

Hunter clearly didn't expect that to be my question. "My... helmet?" He glanced at it then back to me. "Why?"

"I've always wondered what clone trooper buckets look like on the inside." I cursed my curiosity as I stumbled over my words. "I mean... if you wouldn't mind... I understand if it's a no, I mean after all I could be an agent and tamper with it, so I get it completely if you don't feel comfortable letting me hold it. I understand and I'm sorry if I'm annoying you with this..."

Something flickered across his face and Hunter slid it across the table to me. "Just be careful with it."

My face lit up as I reached for the helmet. "Don't worry, I will!" Scooping it off the table, I was surprised. Heavier than I thought!

Hunter, slowly drinking his juice, watched as I turned the helmet back and forth. "Never seen someone other than Tech look over a helmet so enthusiastically." He sounded amused.

"Hey, never know if I'll ever get a chance to hold one of these again," I said. Staring at the skull painted on the front once more, I lightly trace the outline with my finger. I wondered how often he had to reapply paint. It no doubt got scuffed during missions.

I glanced up at Hunter's tattoo, aiming to see how closely the two matched. Brown eyes were watching me intently, and while I knew he would be making sure I didn't tamper with it, it still caught me off guard.

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