Ch. 30 Slowburn

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Chapter 30! The title is a multi-meaning one lol.

There is a bit of bad news with this chapter, but I put it in the end notes so y'all can enjoy this chapter first without that on your mind.

Also, just a note! Well two. I've changed their appearances again. The actual images will be released in the PDF of OtaGS on tumblr but the basics are: Cross has an undercut thats silver on top and black underneath, Tech is the same shade as Hunter with unruly ginger hair that completely ignores his canon haircut, Hunter has no bangs and his hair is jet black, and Wrecker has an actual burn scar plus some head fuzz but its really short. The second note was the PDF of the OtaGS remaster will be on Tumblr some time next week! It's got some new edits and such that arent published anywhere else except that document!

With that, onto the chapter! And boy what a chapter it is.

Warnings: Kink mentions, sexual material, biting (Hunter likes to mark), self loathing (Crosshair), self blame, strong angst and feelings of defeat.


Divide and conquer worked for lunch too. Tech took Crosshair to find extra sticks while Wrecker tended to the actual fire at an elevated rocky outcrop a little ways up the trail.

Which left me and Hunter to skin and clean the hogs where I'd detonated the tannerite.

Fine by me, got to spend some time with Shaggy McStabby.

"Guess I was wrong," he commented as he worked.

I hummed questioningly, most of my attention focused on what he was doing. Sure I was descended from a long line of rednecks, but thanks to the Air Force my parents moved out of KY long before I was born so I lacked the whole redneck atmosphere to grow up in.

Made me sad at times, but never too late to learn.

"You can hold your own against clankers," Hunter continued, but I only half heard him.

All my attention focused on the knife in his hands. And his hands. He had nice hands.

Hell he had a nice everything. Moved like a damn panther and my lizard brain was quite appreciative to say the least. Gotta love soldier boys.

Maybe it was shallow, but hey. Military guys caught my eye and I would shamelessly admit it.

Was mesmerizing watching Hunter work. Definitely lived up to his name. Guess whenever they were lucky enough to get leave, Hunter would vanish into the woods like some sort of backwoodsman and just stay gone for a day or two.

He seemed like the type to do that.

"Sorry I doubted you, Ice."


"Should have trusted you from the start."

"Uh huh."



I blinked and shook my head. "Huh?"

A chuckle and a smirk. "Asked if you were distracted, but guess I got my answer."

My cheeks colored, ears flatting. "Ah... well... you know me. ADD and all that."

"Act like you've never seen someone clean a kill before."

"Well... kinda haven't," I admitted.

"Get closer, then," he said, beckoning me forward.

Sir yes sir.

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