Ch. 28 Comin' in Hot

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He's trying. Not his best, but Twiggy is trying.
The first half of this chapter was a rather last minute addition, but I loved it.
So, its clear at this point my version of Cross is verging into OOC and honestly. I'm running with it now. Y'all are here for Complex Character Crosshair who has more of a personality than just "rat bastard". I'm also officially declaring this story set in a slight AU. Everything is the same worldbuilding wise, except I tweak the characters in different cases. Because I'm not dealing with the stress of changing headcanons when the show comes out. This story is not high enough stakes for me to put that amount of effort in lol.

Speaking of the show, the next chapter will come out the week after the premiere! Because Imma need to process that mess for a while.

On with the chapter!

Content Warnings: Not sure the exact term but Cross goes through some heavy emotional stuff, mild violence, language, Hunter having issues


Happy with yourself?

He really wasn't.

The hurt in her eyes.

The way she flinched back.

The pain in her voice...

"I didn't mean to!"

But what was she thinking?! Shoving a still hot pistol into her waistband with the damn safety off. She could have shot herself in the leg!

"I had to save Hunter!"

He would have been fine! Or Wrecker could have gotten him!

"I didn't want to lose it."

It was just a pistol. He could get another one. Though... he would have been without one for the rest of the mission.

"I didn't know what else to do..."

The defeat in her voice when she said that.

The way she couldn't even meet his eyes...

Now she would shut down again.

All because of him.

He really couldn't do anything right around this woman.

"Why'd you go so hard on her, Cross?" Wrecker growled from behind him. Foliage swished as he smacked a fern frond out of his way. "She saved Hunter's life and got hurt, but all you can think to do is yell at her? You know how much that hurts her!"

Crosshair knew exactly how much that hurt. He'd seen it time and time again, that usually bold spirit crushed and those bright eyes dimmed. He wouldn't be surprised if her love language was words of affirmation...

But what did her love language matter to him? They weren't lovers.

They weren't even friends...

Thanks to his outburst, didn't look like that'd change any time soon.

"She's tryin' her best," Wrecker continued, kicking a rock. "But you just tear her down!"

"Think I like hurtin' her?" Crosshair finally hissed, turning to face his brother.

Anyone else and he'd hold his tongue. But Wrecker was his batchmate. The only one who made it without being "culled". The only one Crosshair could show his true self to...

"Could have fooled me," Wrecker shot back. "You're always yellin' at her!"

"She's reckless and is goin' to get herself killed," Crosshair defended. They'd be without a guide and then what?

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