Ch. 25 Fallin Hard and Fallin Fast

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I'm back! :D
Here we have a LOVELY chapter that was a blast to work on but got a bit long because well. That's who I am as a person.

Cross is a troublesome and conflicted Twig.
Trevor is an ass
I am done with everyone and everything
The usual nonsense

Since I've got a bunch of chapters built up, I'm post two chapters this week (today and friday) then two chapters next week (Tuesday and Friday) so look forward to that! It gonna be lit XD

And yes! Alphians can and will turn humans or Rageryans into Halfblood by biting them! Like vampires I guess, but with more perks and less drawbacks.

Warnings: None I think! Standard foul language, but other than that this chapter is pretty tame! It is 4435 words tho so enjoy that~~~


He'd be lying if he said it didn't sting watching Shadow and Hunter reconcile so quickly.

Seeing them accomplish in an hour what took him and her almost a day.

It wasn't fair.

Then again... it never was.

And why should it be? He didn't make it easy...

Get a damn grip. Life isn't fair. Fairs are for tourists anyways. Don't go soft for a random mountain guide.

A mountain guide he couldn't get out of his head.

Glaring at Shadow from under his helmet as she walked in front of him, Crosshair wished she was harder to get along with. Or at least easier to hate. Easier to scorn, to willingly wound with venomous words.

It'd been so much easier at the start. Her sharp tongue and bold nature quickly marked her as a threat in his book. Someone to be treated as an enemy. Someone who needed to learn that he was not someone to mess with. The hard way.

His hate towards her flowed freely, and he held nothing back. Attacked her left and right. Insulted her. Ridiculed her.

But he couldn't do it anymore. He just couldn't hate her. Couldn't hate this headstrong yet caring mountain guide.

And he hated that.

What was worse...

People were starting to notice.

When Sarah had asked him to stay behind so she could talk to him, Crosshair nearly refused. Jedi were always up to something, and to say he didn't trust them was an understatement.

They always wanted to try to get into his head. Claim they understood what he went through, when they were the very reason for it. Them and their hypocritical mantra of peace while they led thousands of men to their deaths.

If it hadn't been for their damn war, neither Crosshair nor his brothers would have been lab rats. Tortured, poked, prodded, torn apart and put back together over and over again like some experimental machine. They wouldn't have existed in the first place, but sometimes Crosshair wished that was the case anyways.

Sarah was just like any other Jedi.

He knew she was.

How could a Jedi be anything else?

He'd rudely demanded Sarah make it quick, and in response she wacked him in the side with her rake handle.

A rather blunt reminder that she was no Jedi.

"Listen here," she'd reprimanded. "Just because I'm old doesn't mean I'm senile or blind."

Crosshair had retorted that he had no issue hitting a woman back, only to get smacked in the side of the helmet with that rake.

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