Ch. 1 ~A Rude Awakening~

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Like a dingus I'm posting this before I actually know what happens in the later chapters. Trust Shattered of course, but other than that.
Y'all no body knows where this story is gonna go next. Not even me.
Honestly, aint that why y'all read it? Randomness?

At the bottom will be a copy/paste of the announcement I made on tumblr since I know y'all are dying to get into this story.
This chapter was worked on either really early or really late, and I have no filter during that so enjoy~~

Also, hope you like the cover! Took the picture myself  ^^

Chapter Content Warnings:
Sexual references and foul language


You know the cliché of starting a story with a wake-up scene caused by a noise? Well, seems fate saw fit to pull that with me, because my awakening was anything but peaceful.

The sound of a loud crash, followed by yelling, woke me up and for a hot minute, I thought I was back in the Tintin fandom, the sailors fighting over some stupid shit and breaking something in the process.

It wasn't uncommon. They were always squabbling about something, even if they had each other's backs at the end of the day. They'd go for each other's throats without mercy yet if an outsider so much looked at one of them wrong, all Hell broke loose. Nevertheless, they certainly lived up to the stereotype of sailors getting into knife fights.

But bullshit this early... now that was new. Most times they were little more than zombies in the morning until they had their coffee. So why would they...

Catching Wrecker's voice followed by Hunter's, I realized that no, it wasn't sailors disrupting my sleep with shenanigans. It was commandos disrupting my sleep with shenanigans. Not just any commandos... the legendary Clone Force 99.

Many fans would be ecstatic to wake up to those boys but me?

Nah fam. Don't mess with my sleep.

I groaned, burying myself deeper into the sheets as I tried to become one with the mattress. Sleep was so damn close...

More yelling shattered the hope of falling back asleep.

Blindly feeling around, I tried to locate my watch. I could hear the compass rattle as I slapped the bed, but finding it...


Snatching it, I pressed a button on the side to backlight the screen. A dim green glow flickered to life and an even deeper frown dug into the corners of my mouth. Five AM.

No. Nope. Nuh uh. No sir. Denied. It was too early to deal with this. Flinging the watch away, it hit a pillow and plopped back down into the sheets. Pressing even harder into the sheets, I muttered under my breath as uncertain footsteps approached my door.

Hoe, don't you even do it.

A knock sounded at the door. Soft and hesitant, I knew it had to be Tech. Wrecker would break the door, Hunter would probably just yell, and Crosshair... hell he'd probably reenact Dance of the Sugarplum Fairies before he came to ask for my help. With those anime looking stems he had for legs he'd probably be good at it.


I refused to answer. Maybe he'd go away. Leave me to hide back in dreamland. I'd take my chances with a nightmarish green and black mist leaching through my synapses than deal with whatever those idiots destroyed at O'Dark Thirty

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