Ch. 5 ~Emotions are Pesky~

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Been a while, but I'm literally dying with school and various other life things.

This chapter is messy af, a bit sparse, mainly me crushing on Wrecker now, and a bit of a vent at one point, but I hope you enjoy nevertheless!

Slight suggestive material, talk of emotional trauma from past relationships (because I was writing while in a bitter mood), and ominous warnings.


I didn't know what Trevor had told Hunter, but I could definitely tell whatever it was had unnerved the sergeant. Badly.

Since Trevor had gone off to do who knows what, Hunter and I were alone on the elevator ride down which I noticed now was quite loud. I could hear gears and servos faintly screeching, a sound which made my ears twitch.

My back felt quite a bit stronger, probably to help hold my tail up. The thing was admittedly heavy.

"Hey, Hunter."

Hunter glanced my way. Since his helmet was tucked under his arm, I could see his eyes drift to my ears before coming back.

"What exactly did Trevor tell you?"

The man was silent for a moment before he replied, "Something about the ability to see the future being a nightmare."

Oh he did not. "Ah."

"Is there something I should know?"

I contemplated telling him about my dreams occasionally revealing possible future events like some twisted Christmas Carol gone wrong, but ultimately decided against it. Too hard to explain. "No, he's just being Trevor."

"Are you sure?"


Hunter's eyes went once more to my ears and now my tail. "You should have stayed in that other form. Your ears and tail give you away now."


The doors whooshed open, giving me an escape route... which Hunter quickly blocked by pressing the button to hold the doors closed.

"Shadow, what did he mean by that?"

"Sarge," I said, tail bristling uneasily. "It's a really bad idea to corner me in a confined space like this. Open the door."

"I'll open it once you tell me."

A faint grating sound filled the elevator as my claws slid out and scraped the floor. "I'll tell you once you open the door," I countered.

Deep brown eyes held mine for a moment before the sergeant lifted his finger from the button and allowed the doors to open back up.

I breathed a sigh of relief and quickly exited the elevator. That was... unpleasant. But at least I learned something new. Hunter had flecks of gold in his eyes. Cliché as it was, I still appreciated the distinction.

How I didn't see it before, I have no idea. Maybe the elevator lighting was just right. I was also closer to his eyes, having gained six inches in height.

Boy was Tech in for a shock when I stood taller than him. Did his eyes have the same gold fleck trait? I couldn't really tell with the goggle-glasses thing he had going on.

Hunter's hand on my shoulder pulling me back reminded me I had other issues.

Years of training were hard to shake, and a strike to the bundle of nerves at his wrist as I jerked into a backstance caused Hunter to abruptly draw his hand back.

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