CH18: Escaping the hounds

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Spud was heard, talking to someone different. Mystia was looking around the place as Louie was still tied up with her. He was whistling a tune, trying to push his worries aside for what will happen to him.

"I bet that's their boss. I only imagine what will happen to us both. Maybe if we make another deal, we can get out of this," Louie peered at the door.

Mystia spotted a pen in a cup. She smiled at it. This could be their ticket out of their confinements. She looked down at Louie. "Lou? I think I have a plan to get out of here. That pen over there, I need it. I can form the ink into a knife and can cut the ropes apart."

"Oh right! Forgot, you and Mystic have this ability to manipulate that type of liquid. How do we reach the pen though? We are far from it."

"Hmmm, I have an idea. We need to roll but do it quietly. I don't know if we have time but they may barge in any moment. Are you ready?"

"I suppose so- Ow!" Louie was suddenly falling onto his face as Mystia rolled onto hers as he was lifted from the floor again. "Can ya at least signal me, next time?"

"Sorry but we need to be quick!" The two continued as they bumped into the desk hard, making the cup tip over. The pen fell out, rolling off the table only to hit Louie's face.

Mystia closed her eyes, concentrating to pull the ink out.

"Alright, lovebirds! Time to pay up a visit with the boss before paying up!" Spud shouted.

Louie gasped, looking down at Mystia. "Hurry up! They're coming!"

Mystia didn't want to lose her focus. The whole ink came out, forming into a knife. Mystia opened her eyes, looking up at it. She lowered her eyes down at the ropes, having the knife slice it with ease. The two were finally free. The moment they were- Spud, Rex, and Spike along with their boss, saw.

"How did you- Why, you two are gonna gets' it!" Spud snarled.

Mystia gave a glare, standing up as the knife turned into a sword. "I am done with these games! Let us go or I will give you trouble!" Louie hid behind her like a coward.

The boss came up in front. "We're not here to cause a scene. Louie here needs to hand over what he owes this place unless of course you can make an exchange for him?"

"Exchange?! I don't know what to offer you?" Mystia lowered her ink's power.

"It'll either be giving us something valuable or Louie. The choice is yours."

Mystia looked down at Louie. She thought of something. "Why don't I make you all something with this ink power I have?"

The boss was intrigued. Spike jumped in. "What will that even give us? A mess?"

Mystia concentrated and formed the ink into a bag of money. The three dog's jaws opened wide. This was truly amazing! Spud picked up the bag, looking inside. "Fellas, there is a jackpot full of cash in this bag!"

"Should we check if that is even real, Boss?" Rex asked.

Their Boss was skeptical about this trick. He looked down at the money, picking up a coin. He bit into it- making him blink. "Not bad. Is this legit real, mam'"?

Mystia tapped her fingers. "As long as water doesn't ruin it, yes. I hope this appeases you all. Can we leave now? My daughter is more important to me than anything."

The boss dog looks at Mystia. Tapping his foot, he used his hand to gesture her to leave. "You may go. Note that I don't want to see Louie stepping on our turf again. You hear that, roach-"

"Of course! Whatever you say, Boss Baxter! Thanks so much!" Louie took Mystia's hand and ran off.

"You pulled a neat trick right there. If you didn't do that it would have been off to the railroad tracks. How do you get those powers?"

Mystia shrugged, "I don't even know. My daughter and I are Inklifs. We can use ink magic to our disposal. It's what our people do to create such wonderful things."

"I love it! I think Mystic was helping me with a drink to pay-"

Mysita crossed her arms. "The ones you stole? They must have used water on it."

Louie laughed nervously, "Hehehe, yeah? I didn't even know it did that. Oh brother, we got to find her speaking of her. I think I know a way back to the train but it will be long."

"We should get rest, Louie. I do want to search for her but we need energy."

"Right, right. Hate to be lazy and sleep on our mission. Why don't we try out that hotel over there?" Louie points at the hotel.

Mystia walked up to the door only to see it closed. "Oh no, now what do we do? Wait, our stuff! Oh no! We left them!"

"Now, let's not panic, doll. We just got to figure out something. You got ink on ya, right?"

"No, sadly. We are going to be cold and hungry," Mystia rubbed her arms.

"Gotta be a way to find a place to sleep. Hmmm, we should find a place to sleep even if it's wrong to ya. We gotta find an open window somewhere."

"Louie! You promised to not do bad! Sneaking in a place that we were not invited to and have not paid for is stealing! Invasive!"

"I know it's bad and I did promise but we can sneak out at dawn. Can't you trust me?" His bottom hands pleaded.

Mystia wasn't sure about doing this thing. She felt wrong to sneak into property. She sighed, "Fine, I will try this. Please, keep to your words."

"I will, I gotcha ya, hun. Let me find a way to get up there. We will find an empty room and hopefully it will make use of tonight." Louie walked around the building, spotting any room that could be empty for Mystia and him to sleep in. He hopped up towards the second window, seeing an empty room. Nothing was there at all. He gestured for Mystia to come over. "I think I found one! Okay, I will lift you up and I can manage on my own. Step on." His top hands were wide open.

Mystia stepped on, reaching for the window. She opened it, climbing in only to slide onto the window sill and falling on her butt. Louie jumped up, climbing in as well. He shuts the window and helps Mystia up.

"I hope you're right about this," Mystia asked worriedly.

"I am. No worries. By early tomorrow, we get goin'! Now let's sleep. My legs and arms are killin' me." Louie hopped on the bed, laying there with a sigh of relief.

Mystia laid onto the bed as well, turning her head to face the wall. She never expected to have such events like this happen to her. She loved her village for a reason and it's because it's silent. She wished she was back home with her daughter and didn't have to deal with city life. 

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