CH15: Confession to the taste Pt.1

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// "The City of Light" from The Brave Little Toaster actually fit this chapter well. It's like I made a few changes in it other than that, glad to add this. Such a nostalgic song to sing.//

Morning sprung and Pocu was getting things ready. He had two backpacks assembled with items needed for his wife and Louie's trip to locate and bring Mystic back home. He made a quick breakfast that would fill their bodies with enough energy for the adventure. Mystia was in her nightgown, coming out of the master's room. Louie came out of Mystic's bedroom, stretching. He was trying to open his eyes only to have them wide open when he saw Mystia. 

"Hubba-hubba, wakin' up cute in the morn-" Pocu's eyes deadly stared down upon Louie. "Hehehe, I mean, mornin' Pocu and Mystia. You guys ready? I know I am!" He walked over towards the table, sitting down. Pocu set French toast and sausages on a plate down for all three of them. 

"Yes, I made sure you both have gears and emergency equipment for your travels. Even money so you guys can grab some grub along the way. This city as we all know is huge and it's best you guys get rest. I even packed a tent in your bags to make sure you have shelter."

"Thank you, Pocu," Mystia smiles, drinking her cup of apple juice. "We will be safe, don't you worry about a thing. Once Mystic returns to us-"

"We should celebrate! A welcome home party! Eh? Eh? C'mon! She very well deserves it!" Louie suggested. He was eager to have a party in her honor of returning home.

"I was going to say maybe I like to... To go back to the village. Pocu?" Mystia looked up at him. "I just feel this isn't right. I know we had this talk but my little artist wants to go back home. She wants us to rejoin our people once again. She is all scared, I know it." She had a worried expression, her heart feeling what Mystic is feeling.

Pocu sighed, "Mystia? I promise you if she is found, I will make this vacation easy for us. Please? I want you both to feel comfortable."

Mystia crossed her arms, "Pocu? I just can't. I feel so anxious about this journey even though I vowed to get my precious daughter back."

Louie can feel a great tension stir. He was trying to think up an idea. "I know! Since we are going to find Mystic, we are going to explore, too. Like, you'll get to view new places you have never seen before!" He waves his hand in the air, gesturing how great the view is in the city.

"Louie's right on that, dear. You'll see more out there. Maybe you'll see how things are here. A new perspective in the city. A positive one."

Mystia stopped crossing her arms. "I suppose you're right. Okay, I will give it a try." Pocu gave a loving hug to Mystia. "I just need to adjust. Just give me time, my love."

"I will, darling," Pocu says with a kiss on her forehead. 

"Then it's official! A road trip! Let's get this adventure started!" Pocu says with excitement.


Once breakfast was over, their luggage brought with them, Pocu gave one last final hug and kiss to his wife before waving her off. Mystia waved back at him, too. She was ready and she didn't want to turn back. This is all about her daughter and by golly, she will get her back. Mystia was determined. Her heart was pointing the right direction. Louie was also following along with his heart. As much as a sleazy roach he is, he wanted his friend back in one piece. He can tell that Mystia was not going to be easy to get her to enjoy the greater parts of life in the city. She was nervous deep inside.

"Ya know, Mystia?" Louie says. "The city ain't so bad if ya think about it. You gotta remember as much as there can be danger all over, there is a light that sparks in places that will catch your eyes."

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