CH24: The Date Pt.1

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//Okay, so I don't know if I should post the video here but Oof! I will just say that a parody of "Thank the Whites" from Family Guy is in this chapter. Honestly, the lyrics slap. I had these lyrics since August 2020 and I was waiting for King Dice to have a musical number. The wait has paid off. Anyways, this is getting good! Enjoy!//

"It's getting pretty late, doll," Louie points at the moon. "We should find a place to rest. My legs are killing me."

"Where do we even sleep this time? We have nothing! Our stuff was left with those dogs!" Mystia shouts. "I hope you aren't leading me in circles, Lou."

"Of course not! I swear, this is where we were at where the train would be. I wished that it was here right now."

"Louie, it says that this train track is closed off plus, it looks run down." She clicks her tongue in disappointment.

"We'll find another route, don't worry your head at all!" Louie rubbed his chin, walking onto the tracks only to see a trail leading somewhere. "Say, I wonder... So Mystia, I think I may have found a shortcut to the next railroad." He gestured to her to follow him. "I think I know why this track is dead, it must be the place where the ghosts took Mystic and I down to Inkwell Hell! The tracks must have crumbled- AHHH!!" Louie slipped on the track, hanging onto the edge of the metal of the railroad. "MYSTIA!!"

"LOUIE!! Hold on!" She grabbed his hands, seeing the hole from below. She looked at Louie, pulling him up. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Wooie! I thought I was a goner." He looked down the hole as well, "This must be it but I wouldn't try to get down there."

"Would the train come back even?"

"Who knows. There was no schedule at all for that train. It looked faded on the sign. Let's go rest and we will follow the path in the morning. We are going to need to eat and drink to replenish our energy."

"I see an area for us to sleep in." Mystia points at the open area for them to rest at. "I can make the fire for us." She headed towards the area. Louie hurried after her.

The fire was crackling, the two were eating smores. There was silence and Louie wanted to try to cheer Mystia up. There had to be some way to get her to smile. "Ya know, Mystia. Whenever ya feel troubled or lost, just hum a little tune. I told Mystic that."

Mystia looked at Louie before sighing, "I wish that I can hear her voice. It's been weeks and weeks. It feels as if it's been a month since she's been gone. I just want to hold her close to me and tell her that I've always been there for her." Mystia dropped her smore, crying in her hands.

Louie's antennae drooped down, feeling ashamed at what he did. He scooched by her, rubbing her back. "Don't cry, hun. I swear we will get her back. She's strong and brave just like you. If she can make it this far and face The Devil himself, so can you."

She sniffled, "I suppose you're right. I just hope that she can hang in there a little longer..." Mystia laid down on the grass before shutting her eyes to rest.

Louie sighed, "Hopefully, she ain't too miserable down there?"


"Seems genuine and lovely to me, Boss," Dice said, looking at the invitation that The Devil wrote for Mystic. "I think we could add a few more details into this note." He grabbed a pen and wrote more words down. The Devil looked down at the note above King Dice's shoulder. "Here you go," he hands his boss the note.

The Devil looked down at it, "Not bad, not bad, perfect! Now off to hand it to her-"

"Now hold your arrow tail for a minute, Boss!" Dice pulled at his tail. "You can't just hand it to her."

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