CH6: Encountering Dice

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The sun began a new dawn as Mystia and Pocu headed downtown. They've been worried about Mystic not being home at all, not since yesterday before they left on their tour.

Mystia sighed, looking out the window of the car. "Pocu? I… No, we should have never let Mystic wander around the city. This place looks so overwhelming, even for her." 

Pocu placed his hand on his wife's shoulder. "Now dear, I told you guys in the past that it's best we try new things. This is our vacation home where we can explore civilization full of busy streets and wonderful scenery. Home where we lived had that but it seemed quiet. I really love peace and quiet but you girls needed to discover new places. That's why I took you guys here. I just want you both to have fun, meet new people, get jobs that will make you feel happy about your talents." 

Mystia blushed, "Pocu? This… This is why I love you. You care for us," she kissed his lips.

"I'm just doing what's best for you guys. It's not about me, I want to help you two out, you know?" 

"I very much understand." 

Pocu parked the car by the side of the police station. Getting out along with Mystia, he looked up at the tower. "Huh, well? Let's head in. Surely they should give us info on Mystic's whereabouts." 

Mystia held onto Pocu's arm, staying close by him. 
The two walked in the building, seeing a crowd of busy bees flying around, doing all sorts of work. 
They headed over to the front desk. 

"Excuse me, sir," Pocu said. "We need your help." 

"Hold on, I'll get to you in a moment," the bee officer replied, handling the phone. He scratched his head before hanging up. He turned around. "Well, hello there. So what seems to be the problem, Mr.-"

"Pocu Giddens," Pocu replied. "Our problem is that my wife and I have been waiting for our daughter to come home, she never made it home and my wife, Mystia, is worried sick. I am starting to worry a lot now. She never called to notify where she was."

The bee officer rubbed his chin. "Hmmm, this sounds distressing indeed especially in a big city… You're going to get lost very easily. May I get a description of her?" 

Pocu dug in his wallet, pulling out a family photo. "Here, this is Mystic," he hands it to him. 

The bee officer took it, peering down as he squinted his eyes on the photo. "Wait a second… I- I know this girl. She was walking around yesterday. She sounded pretty lost. So you guys must be new here, I take it?" 

"Yes we are and we need your help. Did she tell you where she was heading?"

"No, not really. If only I had more information about her, I would help. But, we will keep an eye out. We will watch for anything." 

"Thank you so much, officer." 

"Now, I will say to watch out for a cockroach named Louie. He is bad news. A person that we don't want others falling down the drain with." 

"Bad news?" Mystia stammered. "What did he do?" 

"He is a thief, cheat and a liar. He can get others into trouble. There's no telling where he is. Things have been quiet this morning but yesterday, we heard about a hot dog stand being raided… Funny incident but not funny when there is a thief taking them without pay."

"That's awful," Mystia had her hands to her mouth, shocked at what Louie did.

"Sir?" Another bee police flew in, interrupting. "We have a complaint. Apparently some insects at a bar informed us that Louie and his new friend got free drinks. He told some wild stories to get his free drinks."

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