CH5: Train to the Casino

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//A parody of "We hate the Sun" from Rock-a-Doodle will play.//

Louie and Mystic were under a theater building, trying to avoid being drenched by the pouring rain.
Mystic was regretting going with Louie on his adventure of trouble. She clenches her fists, feeling very upset.

"Ah! There we go! Look! The train looks like it's about to start. We need to be quick! Hurry, hurry!" Louie dashes. Mystic didn't want to follow him.
"Mystic? C'mon! We need to move fast!" 

"... Fine…" Mystic silently says, trying to catch up with him. 
Louie bounced a few times before jumping into the train. He looked down at Mystic, kneeling so he could put his hand out for her. "Reach, Misty!" He calls, his antennas swaying in the wind.

Mystic was trying to reach for his hand. In the corner of her eye, she notices a slight image of directions on a piece of paper, in Louie's pocket. 
"Lou? What… What is in your pocket?" 

"Nothing important, sweetie! Hurry up! I can't reach out any longer! I may fall!" The wind from the train's movement was strong along with the bumpy railroad tracks that Louie's map he stole flew out of his pocket. Mystic immediately grabbed it.

"... This? This is my map… You stole it! Lou! You stole my map! Why would you do that?!" Mystic was really angry now, furious at what he did.

"Whoops…" Lou nervously says in a chirp of being busted in his own game. "Mystic, now, I was only trying to hold onto it for ya. I didn't know-" 

"Save it! You are a thief! You lie, cheat and steal! You're a bad man!" Mystic spat. 

"Can we argue later?" Louie sighed, eager to grab her onto the train.

Mystic was slowing down, her legs getting tired. Her emotions got to her. 

Louie didn't hesitate but to immediately reach for her, lifting her on board. The train engines moved fast, the horn blew all the way to the front, signaling anyone who crosses the tracks.
Mystic was crying in her hands. Louie touched her shoulder. "Hey, hey, hun? Listen… I'm sorry for what I did to you. Yes, it's true about everything that those bees were telling you about. I did all those things. I'm just a lone bug, taking on the world without care." 

"I thought we were best friends?" She sniffles. 

"Mystic? Of course we are! To be fair, I just thought of you as a citizen wandering the city, a newbie that I can show a thing or two around this place. Someone who is gullible to just have as a deviant troublemaker… But Your kindness, great creative nature, smarts even lead me to realize that you aren't like me. I think you are a fantastic friend to have." 

"Really? No lies? You promise?" Mystic wiped her tears. 

"Cross my heart, Misty, cross my heart. I want to be by your side through the end." 

"Thanks, Louie…" Mystic looked out the train. "Where do you think this train is taking us?" 

"Ya know? I don't know actually… Let's check inside, we can find some sort of clue." Louie headed down the hall. There were many seats across left and right of him. 

Mystic followed him, putting her hands on his shoulders. "Lou? I have a bad feeling about this." 

"What do ya mean?" He raised a brow. "Jeeze, can't this place have some sort of light? Let me see if I can find my flashlight," Lou was digging in his pockets, looking for his flashlight.

Mystic's head was moving, her eyes keeping watch on anything suspicious. "It's the train, there isn't anyone on. It's so quiet." 

"Maybe because it's night? Ah! Here we go!" Louie turns on the flashlight only for it to flicker. "Don't you dare go out on me." 

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