CH20: Dice's Suspicions

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//Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! For those of you who are or aren't single, know that we still spread love no matter what. To our loved ones.
Now, I got two songs. The first one here is "The Very Reason that I Live" from The Simpsons which is edited.
As for the second, I left alone. It's called Swingrowers "Midnight." Enjoy, everyone!//

It became early morning up on the surface world- well, a bit late now. Mystia was fast asleep. Louie tapped her head, waving his hand in front of her face. He heard noises and he did not want the two of them to get into more trouble like from last night's fiasco. He hopped over towards the door, hearing footsteps coming close! He rushed over towards Mystia, hating to do what he was about to do to her. He grabbed the sheets under her and pulled her with them, causing her to fall out of bed.

"Ouch! Louie?! What is the meaning of this?!" Mystia sat up, rubbing her head.

"No time to explain, doll! People must be checking up in this room! We gotta hurry, NOW!!" Louie pulled her hand, helping her up before heading to the window with her. Opening the window, he darts out, taking Mystia with as fast as he can. The people just got in the room the two were in.

"That was close," Mystia sighed in relief. "It must be late morning?"

"I am thinking that it is. Goodness, I should have found some sort of alarm for us. C'mon! We gotta keep going. We don't know how long this journey will be? The train wasn't so far away- I think?" Louie shrugged, jumping down off the window and to the ground. He had his hands open for Mystia to fall into. "Trust me, hun! You won't get hurt!"

Mystia huffed in and out before jumping into his arms only for her to topple onto him. At least Louie caught Mystia as promised. Mystia got off of him and helped him up.

"Sorry about that. Which way do we go?"

"Beats me, we need to find a map. The question is, where do we find a map?" Louie rubbed his chin, his eyes targeted someone's back pocket. It appeared to be a map inside. He grinned, sneaking over to grab it but was stopped immediately by Mystia.

"Ehem? Lou?" She crossed her arms. "We are certainly not stealing from that man's pocket, are we?" She gave the mom glare, too.

"Ehehehe, okay, okay, I was simply going to borrow it. Is that a crime?"

"Without permission? Yes, it is. Maybe if I can find some ink around here, I can make us a map. Let's continue forward."


The Devil and Mystic were taking the whole time of the day to explore Inkwell Hell. Mystic loved some things about it. The bad things were downright scary and upsetting. She felt bad for the souls that are trapped down here. But she just had to accept it. The two went back into the casino only to see that the place was decorated with... Hearts? The Devil was very furious about this. Anything love related was something he did not enjoy! He marched over towards Dice.

Dice was holding a heart card, chuckling at it only to be spinned around by The Devil's tail. "What is this?! Why are there hearts, cutesy candy, and pink balloons in my hellhole?! This is disgusting!"

"Boss?! It's Valentine's Day. I know you hate the holiday-" Dice was pulled in closer by The Devil.

"Then why in the lower pits of the underworld, are you celebrating it?! You know the rules!" He showed his teeth.

"Devil? Why don't we just have it for one day? Wouldn't that be nice? I love seeing others frolic and feel warm together. It's so romantic and wholesome," Mystic suggested.

The Devil shuddered by that. As much as he wanted to throw up by how she adored the holiday, he had to think about this. Between being kind to her and being a jerk around her in public to keep social status with Dice and everyone else... He thought.

A Devilish Artist (Cuphead Devil X OC)Where stories live. Discover now