CH21: We could be Friends?

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"What came over me back there?!" The Devil was shouting down at himself. He felt so embarrassed on the spot. Everyone would be questioning him and he would feel lessened by his status in Inkwell Hell. "I swear, Dice better just keep his mouth shut!" The Devil was unaware that King Dice appeared from a hole in the ground and crossed his arms, looking at him with a brow raised. He was silent and just listened to The Devil ramble on about his mistakes.

"Everyone is going to think I am being soft around this mortal! Bleh! When I am around Mystic it's like she is pulling me into some bind. Sometimes I just want to boil her alive just so... So... GAHHH!!"

"Ya done, Boss?" Dice asked.

The Devil jumped in fright, his back against the desk as his heart pulsed out in his chest in a cartoony fashion. "DICE?! Where did you even come from?! Oh, right, the hole... Dice, I-" Dice put a finger on his boss's lips.

"Enough hiding what ya feel, Boss. You know you have a... Ehem, ehhh, how do I even say it? Ah, forget it! You have a thing for Mystic! The signs are all over you."

"Ah, bep, bep, bep! No, I don't... Look, is it wrong for a devil like me to.... Befriend such a person like her?"

"Well, you hate making friends but I supposed it ain't wrong. You know Devil? I wanted to have a word with you and I must say- You are one cheating rat to make me lose to our bet!"

"What are you even talking about?"

"Don't play dumb, Boss! You know exactly what I'm talking about; You loved Mystic's cooking and you know it! Why, you are gaining weight from her meals." Dice poked at Devil's pudge.

Devil sighed in defeat and heck, he even hated losing to that! "Alright, fine! I admit it! Her food was just so delicious and I wanted to have mooooore of it! Is that also bad?!"

Dice just chuckled at how Devil looked so guilty over his truth. "No. That's all I wanted to hear. So what are you gonna do about this, hm?"

"I don't know? I hate to have us feel that we are a-" The Devil just spat and shook his head in an attempt to not say it.

"A couple? I think you guys would go well as one. Picture this, Boss! What if she was a Queen of Inkwell Hell? You are king and we need a queen also."

"What?! She wouldn't be fit to rule such an evil kingdom like mine! What makes you think that?!"

"Her attitude is remarkable! She doesn't take nothin' from no one! Not even you~" Dice snickered but continued. "To add on to this, she would be the type to make fair rules here. What do you say, Boss? Think she be great?"

"Eh? I don't know, Dice. Give me time and her, too. I hate to be too straight forward about this. I still need to get to know her. There is something about her that makes me want to know her more."

"Hey now, take all the time in the world. Um, so the audience is wondering about your interruption with Mystic while she was singing. What do we do about that, huh?"

The Devil tapped his chin. Scratching his head, he smirked. "Oh, I don't know, maybe we can play the charades with them. You know already that I have a thing for her but I hate for Mystic to see that. I want this thing between us to be slow. Not too slow because I can lose my patience. Dice? Eeeuugh, can you help me?"

"Why Devil Darlin' I would be honored to help you! You can count on me to prepare you for anything with her. Maybe get ya two lovers on a date~"

"NO! Absolutely not! We are not couples yet! My heart still stings on these feelings!"

"Calm down, Boss. I completely understand. Let's go back out there and talk to her." Dice went over towards The Devil's office door and opened it before leaving.

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