CH16: Confession to the taste Pt. 2

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//"Why don't you do right?" Parody lyrics from Who framed Roger Rabbit will be in this. Honestly, it fits so well, I swear. I love this chapter so far.//

The streets were dark. Night time has struck already for Mystia and Louie. Louie whistles to keep up some music for their trip. Mystia was scared in this dark city. She never went into the city at night before, not even with Pocu. She was very close behind Louie.

"Louie? How can you wander the streets this late? Who knows what could be lurking here?" 

Louie sighed, he turned around to face her. He took her hands, petting the top of her hands. "Don't worry, doll. Nothin' absolutely nothin' to worry about. Why, we'll be able to find a resting spot somewhere."

Mystia's expression went down. She looked up behind Louie, gasping with hands hiding her lips.

Louie raised a brow. "Mystia? What's wrong?" Louie didn't know that there were three anthro pitbulls behind him. 

"Well, well, well, what do wes' have here?" The pitbull in the middle asks. "A puny insect cheapskate with a... Ah, a beautiful dolly. My, my, Louie? Is this your gal? Never knew you would find a woman. You got great taste!"

Louie knew who these guys were. He was afraid to turn around but made no mistake not to. He looked up at who was looming over him. "Spud! Hehehe, well, ya know, I have been out for quite some time. Found her at a diner and we got a chance to know one another. Right, Mystia?" Louie used his two elbows to bump against her arm.

She was shaking in fear, but looked down at Louie. She didn't want to lie. She would feel bad about it. In this situation though, she had to make an exception. "Yes."

"Nice to meets' ya. My name is Spud. This here is Spike and Rex. We couldn't help but to notice that your man Louie, owes us a lot of money during our little wager. Now, if you don't mind handing the roach to us, we will leave ya alone, toots."

"Huh? Wager? What is he talking about?" Mystia asked.

"I have ehehe, no idea. Please, fellas, tell us what do you mean? Ah!" Louie was grabbed by both Rex and Spike.

"Don't play stupid, bug! You owe us a good $500 bucks! You never gave it to us during the game we had? You wanted a place to live so we made a deal, see? You lost and now we want what's ours!"

"Put him down, this instant!" Mystia stomps her foot firmly on the ground. "I am not going to stand here and have a pointless fight over money! Louie? Whatever this is, it needs to wait! My daughter is in great peril and I want her home!"

"Yeah, Spud, what she said! I don't have $500 bucks on me! Please lay off!"

"Sos' you're a father now? A family man, eh? Listen, lady. We would like to let your hubby buggy go but he needs a proper punishment! Come on, Lou! Time to take ya back home~" Spud laughs along with his other dogs. "But hey, hate to leave your girl waiting. Let's take her, too!" He grabs Mystia, dragging her by her wrists. 

"No! You let go! I need to find my daughter!" Mystia screamed, kicking Spud in the shin. She dashed, trying to get something out of her bags to save Louie. 

Spud was not having any of that. Rubbing his shin, he rushed over to grab her on time before she could grab anything. "Feisty one, aren't we? Let's go! I am done playing these games!" 
He puts her above his shoulder, walking away from the scene with their belongings. They had to be thieves.


Down in the cavern, everything was all set up for The Devil. Mystic was covered in ink splotches due to the hard work she had done. Gumphrey fluttered his fat body towards the table, looking at the big, 6 layered cake with 6 candles and 6 demons surrounding the devil as figurines on top. His grin glowed, "You did so great, Mystic! Oh boy, oh boy, the anticipation is killing me inside!"

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