CH12: Dinner Drama

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//"We go bump in the night" From Scooby Doo and the Goblin King will be parodied. I mean, dang like there has to be some musical here which is short lol//

The morning began and the sun brightened the bedroom up in the hotel balcony. The glare and light shines onto the items lying around. Louie was moving around in the closet, stretching. 
"Daylight already?" Louie asked himself, feeling groggy in his sleep. Running around made him very much out of it. 
His antennas twitched when he heard noises coming outside the room. He wakes up, trying to watch for any signs without being caught. 

"We need to do something! I just can't wait for them!" Mystia cries out in worry, impatient for the hive taking so long to find Mystic.

"Honey? I know, I know, you want Mystic back but we need to give them time. Two days have passed since we've seen her. Just gotta give it time," Pocu poured Mystia tea. " Here, just drink this, dear. It will ease your anxiety."

"I don't feel like drinking tea. I can't drink anything. My daughter is out there all alone with that terrible bug!" Mystia placed her head in her arms on the table as she sobs. 

"Mystia? Please, don't cry." Pocu sits by her, rubbing her back. "Maybe we should go for a walk. You need some air, refresh your mind from sadness. Want to head to the park?"

Mystia lifted her head, looking up at Pocu with tears in her eyes. "... I guess I can use some sunlight," she wiped her tears with her wrists. 

"That's my girl, I will get ready. I can make us lunch, take a picnic basket, you and I need this." Pocu went to do just that, preparing a meal for the day. 
Mystia got up, walking out of the kitchen. 

Louie was looking around in the closet. "I need to get out of here somehow-" He whipped his head, hearing another door open. He peered through the crack door, seeing a woman coming in. "That looks like Mystic," Louie thought. His eyes widened as the woman turned around, feeling sad in his view. "No way... it has to be the mother. How do I approach her?"

Mystia picked up Mystic's belongings, trying to clean her room for her when she arrives, she would see it neat and organized just how she likes it. "Oh Mystic..." She tears up. "I know you and I felt off on this trip but your father only wanted us to be happy. I never expected this to happen to you. We should have stuck together. That's what we always do as a family..." Her lips quivered, sobbing again. 

Louie had a frown, feeling sorry for Mystia. "Poor woman. How am I gonna bring this news to her?" 

Mystia walked over to the closet, having clothes in hand. Louie broked in sweat and fear. He ducked into the pile of clothes, trying to keep still in hiding. Opening the closet door, she hangs the clothing up on the clothes hanger. She sees a pile on the ground. 
"Maybe I should fold these for her," she says.

Louie sweated even more. "No, no, no," he says in his head. 

She took the clothing one by one only to see antennas poking out. Her eyebrows lifted up, blinking her eyes on what that is. She was nervous to reach out to grab the turtle neck on it. Within a few moments, she took it off of them, revealing Louie up close. She dropped her pile of clothing in her arms. 

Louie couldn't hide now, "Hehehe, hi?" He waves awkwardly. "Look, I know what you are thinking-" 

"Louie? You look like the cockroach that the officer was descriptive about. What are you doing here?! Pocu!"

"No, no! Wait! You gotta listen to me!" Louie came out, trying to latch onto Mystia's arm so she wouldn't leave. "I need to tell ya news about your daughter!"

"Mystic?!" She says.

Pocu ran in the room, "Mystia?! What's the matter-" Pocu's expression hit rock bottom of disgust when he finally spotted Louie. "You! Get your hands off my wife!" Pocu pushed Louie away. "Where is my daughter? Why are you in our hotel room? Let me guess? To crash here for free?! You have some nerve-"

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