CH2: A New Pal

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//A parody song of "No matter what" from the Steven Universe Movie will be in this.//

After settling in and arranging their belongings, Pocu came in with a smile. 
"Great news, girls! I got a dinner planned for us all. Today, let's make ourselves comfortable and have fun exploring the world! This will be your first tour into the city, Mystia and Mystic."

"But it looks so big compared to home," Mystia said. "Will we get lost?" 

"We most certainly won't, dear. I have maps for each of us. Trust me, you'll need it. Mystic? Why don't you take a walk? You look like you want to." 
Pocu handed the maps to the both of them.

Mystic took it, looking down before looking up. "Can't we stick together, Dad?" Mystic asked, feeling awfully nervous about this whole thing.

"Mystic, you're old enough to go places. As I said, there are plenty of Help Wanted waiting for just about anyone to apply for a job. You may find something that's your interest." 
He went over to her, kneeling down to kiss her head. "My little, magical artist will go places someday. You just got to have a lot of patience. Trust me, the world outside your village is overwhelming and scary but I know the two of you will pull through. Your mother and I believe in you just like how I believe in your mother to try this family vacation out." 

Mystic sighed, trying to smile though, it came out fake and forced just to make her dad happy for her, proud even. "... Okay, Dad. I'll try to do this." 

"Excellent!" He hugged her, patting her head before getting up to walk over to Mystia. 
"Well, go get dressed into something snappy as they say and we will begin our tour." 

Mystia and Pocu left Mystic to do just that as they did the same in the other room.

Pocu, Mystia, and Mystic were soon outside, about to separate off into the city to explore.

"Just remember, dear. Follow the map back home if you feel lost," Pocu points down on Mystic's map.

"Okay, Dad. I will. I'll be careful, too," she replied.

"I was just about to add that as well." He fixed his glasses before pushing them back up in his face. "These are busy streets. Just like what I rode, cars or any moving vehicles on roads like these are dangerous. Look both ways, you hear?" 

Mystic simply nodded. "I love you both!" She went over to hug them.

"Farewell for now, dear," Mystia kissed her head. The two waved her off as Mystic did the same at them.


Mystic was walking on the sidewalk. Looking down on her map, there were many places to go. 
"Hmmm, I wonder where to start first?" She asked herself. "Dad's right; So many places to work in. Maybe I can start- Ouch!" 

Mystic bumped into a street officer. Rubbing her head, she looked up at him. "Sorry, Sir." 

The officer looked down, putting his hand down for her to grab. "Missy, you need to be more careful," he said.

"Sorry, I'm really new here and I was following the map around the city." 
She doubled take, now looking at this officer clearly. He was an anthropomorphic bee. 

"A map, you say? Where are you trying to go, dear?" 

"Anywhere really, this is my first tour around this city."

He was itching his mustache, thinking of an idea. "Tell ya what? How about you take this pen here," he says, giving it to her as she took it. "All you gotta do is circle and dot down directions." 

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