A Christmas Special Pt.1🎄💕

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//It has been a while, hasn't it? Yup. It has. I figured I would make a Christmas short of The Devil and Mystic (after they got married) to have a winter stroll in town. Also, definitely gonna make a different scenario with the choo choo train episode from "A Devilish Christmas." Basically with this one, The Devil is going to try to do a good deed and Santa finally gets him the present that he wanted rather than that one ending from The Cuphead Show. It's like a what if idea. Anyway, have a Merry Christmas!🎄//

Snowflakes fell down one after another from the skies. It was a cold day but the weather was decent. It was Christmas Eve and everyone in Inkwell Isle was getting ready for Christmas Day. The children were excited to get gifts under their tree because Santa Claus is coming to deliver their presents that they asked for. The stores had nice items on display that a lot of people wanted. Walking on a bridge near where everyone was ice skating, Mystic and her husband, The Devil, watched as everyone was having fun. Mystic giggled, "Isn't this great? I love Christmas. It's my most favorite time of the year. My family is going to invite us over to celebrate this evening and tomorrow. Are you excited?"

The Devil wasn't so sure about that. He only enjoys Christmas just to cause mischief but having a casual and nice one with his wife was quite different. He sighed, "Yes, of course, my dear. I just never done something like this before. Down there, people are enjoying themselves and I would pretty much ruin their fun."

"Devil," Mystic crossed her arms. "You know that I hate for others to feel miserable. I know it is in your nature to do bad but try to keep it under control, especially this week? It's Christmas."

He sighed louder, "Ffff-FINE. I mean, ehehe, fine, I will. I'm doing this for you."

"I know," she held his paw. "Why not get breakfast together? We could get coffee and donuts."

"That sounds delicious and a good idea." The Devil continued to walk with Mystic on the bridge... But after he and her left it, he couldn't help but to use his pitchfork to zap the ice skates that everyone had on and make them all slip. It was harmless yet someone could have gotten hurt. He chuckled lightly as he witnessed it from the corner of his eye. Mystic and The Devil walked past a few stores when The Devil saw something grand that his eyes widened by it. He zipped over to the window, pressing his face against the glass. "Mystic, darling, come over here! Look at this!"

"What is it?"

"It's a train! Oh, it looks adorable! The gears, the wheels, the design, it's just flawless! Oh, I want it so much!"

Mystic found this side of The Devil to be adorable as well. It was very interesting to see this much excitement come from him over a toy. She watched with him as the train went in circles on the track. "You know, Devil, why not put that on your list? You still have time."

"A list?" The Devil turned to her, tilting his head. "I don't make lists of what I want. I just ask and I receive it from my fellow demons."

Mystic giggled, "No, silly. Make a list to Santa. He brings the gift that you ask for on Christmas Eve and the next morning, you open it and see what you get."

"What? I never heard of such a thing."

"Golly, you don't know how it works on Christmas? There is a list that Santa Claus has, too. There is a Nice and Naughty list. If you are good, you go on the Nice list and receive presents. If you're bad... You go on the Naughty list and get coal instead. He may even skip the house, too."

"Really? That is quite interesting... So you're saying that I have to be good?"

"I am afraid so, Devil and you uhhh, haven't been good- well, you know, your nature of doing mischievous things is bad. It's uh, complicated. I don't know if Santa has you on his Nice list after you know... Changed for me. More or less anyway."

"Is that so? Hmph! We will see about that! Where do I find this Santa Claus?"

"He's at The North Pole. We shouldn't really disturb-" Without hesitation, The Devil used his pitchfork and poofed Mystic and himself to The North Pole. "Him." She finished. "WOW! Are we really here?!"

"This is the place, right?" The Devil looked down at her as she stepped forward.

"It really is!" She was super excited to see Santa's enormous workshop. Her eyes sparkled with joy in her expression. "Come on, come on! Let's go see him!" She laughed as she headed up the steps and rang Santa's doorbell.

"Why not we just poof inside-" The door opened and revealed an elf standing in front of them.

"Howdy there, folks! Are you two here to see Santa Claus?"

"Yes, Sir. Is he busy?"

"He is on break for the moment but I will be happy to let him know that you are here. He has to get going soon. He's gotta deliver the presents to everyone in the world. Come on in, would you two like some hot cocoa? We got jelly-filled donuts and cookies!"

"Oh, that would be very nice. Thanks so much!" Mystic was happy as she and The Devil saw a lot of the elves working and singing. The Devil cringed by it, hating to hear the happiness coming off of these creatures. Two elves were already getting the food and drinks for the two guests. The Devil sipped his drink, wanting to just see Santa and get this over with. The elf took them up the stairs to the main doors. Mystic and The Devil looked at each other before they both knocked on the door together.

"HO-HO-HO! Come in!" A booming, cheerful voice said, welcoming them into his office. Upon opening the doors, the two gasped, seeing the one and only, Santa Claus sitting in his office chair. "Oh, it is nice to see visitors at this time of year. But you must make it quick, I have to get to work soon."

A Devilish Artist (Cuphead Devil X OC)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant