CH14: Stalemate

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After that horrible catastrophe for Mystic, the casino continued it's normal day while she sits in a cage, locked away in The Devil's China cabinet. Her arms wrapped around her legs as she sat there. She looked around her environment despite the little light she had. It was pretty spooky in his room.

"Why do I get myself into trouble?" She asked herself, tears flowing in her eyes. She placed her face in her knees as she began to sob.

The Devil cackled at his new found souls he recently collected from two anthro tools that were a hammer and wrench. King Dice came back to the casino. His clothes were covered with grime and charcoal. He didn't see Mystic anywhere. He walked over towards The Devil.

"Sir? Hate to interrupt your victory but uhh, where is Mystic? She is supposed to be working while I am busting my hiney down below the pits of Hell."

The Devil cleared his throat, giving a careless expression with a blunt response, "Mystic was punished. She opposed me once again this time physically. So I shrunk her and placed her in my room, locked in a cage all alone in the dark."

King Dice's mustache drooped from that reply. "But who will attend to the duties here?!"

"Oh brother," The Devil smacked his face, "You know I have my loyal minion to do that, Dice. Henchman!" He called for the fat demon.

Henchman fluttered his wings to carry his fat body towards The Devil. "Yes, Boss?"

"Since Mystic is no longer available to attend to Dice's duties, I want you to fill in his shift until dinner."

"You got it, Boss!" He gave an okay finger gesture.

"What are you even doing here, Dice?" The Devil asked with his hand to his hip whilst drumming his toes on the floor.

"I was just checking on Mystic but apparently she had to screw up again so I also was going to inform you that the demons and I found a mouthful of red diamonds. We are collecting it in your favor."

"Oh, terrific! That sounds wonderful! I can't wait to see them. Matter of fact, why not bring the bag to my room. I will be thrilled to see it. Let me remind you, make sure you tell our little fool to make us dinner tonight. It is still her job despite her awful cooking."

Dice raised a brow, "Really? Didn't you say last night that she was terrible and shouldn't bother to cook for us all? You curse her cooking and anyone who enjoys it to the grave basically-"

"You guys enjoyed it and we need someone to make our meals, don't we? I could ask my demons but they are sloppy lately." The Devil had to make up some lie, right?

Dice was thinking if this was an excuse but shrugged it off. "Very well, fair. They can be messy and clumsy. Well, I will bring your loot of red diamonds to your bedroom." King Dice walked off, going to get the red diamonds before heading to the throne room that leads to The Devil's bedroom.

Mystic drummed her fingers on the ground. She was bored of course, she needed to think of something. She hated that there was no sound at all in his bedroom. The only sound was the fire roasting the wood in the fireplace. She took her hair barrette, flipping the end of it so she could place her lips on the end of it. It was indeed an ocarina. She began to play it, a sad tune came from the musical object.

King Dice walked up the door only to hear a melody coming from within the room. He creaked open the door, peeking in to see where it was coming from. "Hello? Huh, I'm surprised there is sound in here. Unless," he walked over to The Devil's round coffee table and laid the bag of red diamonds on it. He was following the sound.

Mystic was so busy playing on her ocarina that she didn't notice Dice shadowing her area. "Mystic? So that's where you've been. The Devil sure did a number on your form."

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