What type are you?

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This is definitely not an update.

I just want to air what's goin' my mind yesterday, when I've red those unbelievable tweets which some followers tagged to me.

This is the way I want to understand them. That maybe we are of a different type of supporter.

How about you? What type are you?



These are ones who just enjoys watching her sing, dance, act and all the stuff.
They don't care whatever happens to her personal life.
They're just enjoying every bits of her performance.

If ever she'll lie-low from showbizness, just give them a month and they'll find another performer to watch out for.



These are those who are happy with their own respective lives and supporting her is just a part of it.
These are the ones who simply want the best for her. For her to experience the normal life, as much as they are enjoying life too.
These people do not care whoever the partner would be, as long as he'll treat her good and he'll make her happy.
Just the same, as how are we with our friends and loved ones.

If ever she'll lie-low from showbizness, they will be a bit sad but they'll understand and be happy for her eventually.



These are the ones who created the world of their own, mostly a delusional one.
Their happiness is by creating and believing in a story which they themselves created on their mind.
Nobody will ever be good enough for them except for the man they already chose for her, again in world of their own.

If ever she'll tie the knot, they'll still consider it as a 'scripted' one.
They will not believe it, no matter how you slap reality on their face.



These are the ones whose life revolves around her.
They have no other source of happiness aside from her.
They also want her to be happy but nobody will ever be good enough for them to be her lifetime partner.
Because truth to be told, they can't still imagine her settling down, whether in the near future or even in the years to come.
They are too afraid that if this will happen, their princess will be snatched away from them, and then everything will never be the same.

If ever she'll lie low from showbizness, it'll be really really hard for them to survive.



Sometimes you're just a mere 'watcher'.
But sometimes, you're becoming a 'friend-like'.
There are also those times where you become 'delusional' & those times you're becoming 'possessive'


Author's POV:

I want to know what kind of supporter, my readers are.

Hope you can share it here. :)

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