Chapter 15

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Everyone decided that they would send Bonnie and Kol to go checkout davina since Bonnie is a witch and Kol wasn't going to let Bonnie go alone, and his unending witch knowledge didn't hurt either, after josh called and gave the ok.

Caroline decided to go see how the wolves were doing. Klaus still didn't trust them, them as in Jackson, so he went with her.

Leaving Katherine, Elijah, Stefan, and Rebekah in there wake. Elijah decided to show Katherine around New Orleans some more. While Stefan went to call his brother to see how he and Elena were. When Stefan got off the phone he and Rebekah decided to go to Rouseau's.

When Bonnie and Kol made it to St. Anne's they went straight to the attic.
When they got there to say they were surprised was to say the least. The little witch didn't look anymore than 16. But Bonnie could feel the power radiating off of the small girl.

Kol tried to walk in but he was stopped by a barrier while Bonnie walked right in leaving a scowling Kol.

Davina felt two powerful presence behind her, making her spin around. She was surprised to see a beautiful brown skin witch and a handsome vampire behind her. But she quickly went into defense mode. Which didn't go unnoticed by Kol or Bonnie, making Kol try harder to push past the barrier so the witch wouldn't hurt Bonnie and while he couldn't do anything about it.

Bonnie raised her hands indicating they weren't going to hurt her, but Davina didn't change in the slightest.

"We're not going to hurt you. We just want to ask you a few questions. Could you please invite my friend in?" Bonnie asked Davina softly but cautiously.

"I don't trust vampires, and definitely not witches. What do you want?" Davina replied with a scowl.

"You sure seem to trust Marcel. And what do you mean you don't trust witches you are a witch?" Kol asked confused.

"Well considering witches are trying to kill me. Well..." Davina shrugged, "and Marcel is different." Davina said defensively.

Kol snorted. "I bet." He replied rolling his eyes. Bonnie shot him a glare before turning back to Davina.

"My name is Bonnie, Bonnie Bennett." Bonnie told Davina knowing that would catch Davina's attention, which it definitely did.

Davina turned her undivided attention towards Bonnie with a newly peaked curiosity.

"A Bennett witch." Davina stated in awe. "Your witch line is one of the first and one of the most powerful lines in, well, existence. There aren't any Bennett witches in New Orleans that I'm aware of so what are you doing here?" She asked.

"I will tell you anything you want to know but could you please invite him in?" Bonnie asked again.

Davina looked a Kol thoughtfully whilst he smirked at her. "Come in."

Kol waltzed in, in all of his Mikaelson glory. "Let's get this party started shall we?"

"You really didn't need to come with me." Caroline told Klaus once again as they trekked threw the woods.

"Yes I did. You never know with wolves. They are very unpredictable creatures." He goes on absently taking Caroline's hand into his hand. The small gesture make Caroline smile. But as he keeps talking not even realizing he was holding her hand makes Caroline smile more. "Oh, and, Let's not forget the unmistakable hatred for vampires." He finishes still not letting go of her hand, even tho now he's full aware that he's doing it.

Caroline rolls her before talking again, "Wouldn't you know." She muttered shaking her head at him.

"Yes. Yes I would," Klaus shrugged as they approached the bayou.

They didn't even notice them they were all huddled in a circle around something or 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒆.

Jackson turned around to survey their surroundings and caught sight of them coming out of wood. He didn't miss the hand holding either. He jogged over to them, while the other wolves remained oblivious to their presence, throwing Caroline a friendly smile that Klaus scowled at. Caroline squeezed his hand reassuringly.

"What are you doing in this neck of the woods?" He asked softly, still not acknowledging Klaus' presence.

Klaus was struggling to keep his anger at bay, by the way Jackson was looking at Caroline with an unmistakable adoration in his eyes, so he squeezed Caroline's hand just a tad be tighter as a warning that if she didn't get on with it Jackson would be walking or crawling back with missing limbs.

Caroline followed Klaus' train of thought and started talking.

"We just wanted to see how the pack was..." she trailed off looking back at the hurd before looking back at Jackson who was looking at her expectantly. "What's going on?" She asked not being able to stop her curiosity.

Klaus was confused to so he continued to look at Jackson for answer.

Jackson looked at the group behind him with a bright smile before turning back to Caroline.

"A long lost member of the pack found us today. She came looking for her family history. Turns out she's royalty amongst us crescent wolves. And it turns out that when we were born me and her were to be married." Jackson announced proudly.

Caroline and Klaus were shocked.
Jackson continued.

"Come on you can come meet her." He sad looking between Klaus and Caroline, who just nodded their agreement.

When they made it to the group the lot started to separate seeing Jackson, Klaus, and Caroline making way through them.

When they made it to the middle the girl in question had her back to them and was chatting it away with Jackson's grandma Mary. She was a slightly tall brunette whose backside looked vaguely familiar to both Caroline and Klaus.

She turned around sensing them behind her with a friendly smile on her face that turned into pure shock when she seen Klaus and Caroline.

Klaus was frozen in spot, horrified. There stood the one one person he never expected to see again in this century.  This was definitely a unexpected turn of event.

Caroline on the other hand had a scowl on her face. The girl in front of her was her sworn enemy. She promised herself the day that she ever saw the girl that snapped her neck again she would snap hers.

"Klaus, Caroline this is-" Jackson started but was cut off by Caroline and Klaus.

"Hayley!" They said in chorus.

A/N: sorry it's been forever since I've updated I was really caught up in reading Klaroline fanfics on fanfiction, let me tell you they are endless 😭, and I love it. But I'm going to try to be more frequent with updating. I know I say that allot but I'm going to try. School starts again tomorrow and I might be busy. Just a heads up.

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