Chapter 2

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After they all finished packing they met up at the boarding house. When Caroline walks in she see everyone in the living room with bags and ready to go she smiles at them.

As they head for the door Stefan blurts out " I have a confession to make before we leave."

They look at him confused but nod for him to continue, "I'm in love with Rebekah Mikaelson!" He says and sighs. Everyone except for Damons jaw dropped.

"Rebekah ?" Caroline yells in disbelief he nods and she smiles and so does everyone else.

"I kinda already knew." Damon says not surprised at all

"Ok fine I have a confession to." Bonnies says and looks down at her feet.

We all look at her, "I kind of have a thing for Kol Mikaelson." She says fast but they caught every word.

"What!" Elena and Caroline say at the same time.

Bonnie looks up to see everyone staring at her she was scared of how they would react so she started to explain, "Well when I was stuck on the order side, for some reason only we could see eachother and we spent most of our time together and I started developing feelings for him, but I haven't seen him since we came back to the land of the living." they were smiling at her when she looked up.

"So you guys aren't mad?" Bonnie says. "No!" They all say. She smiles at them. "Damn bon-bon I never would've guess, you and Kol." Damon says smirking at her, and with that they left and got on the road to New Orleans.

Klaus's POV

I  was sitting at my favorite bar Rousseau's drinking a glass of bourbon I had still been thinking about Caroline after 3 months she never left my mind. Her beautiful golden locks, her smile that could lighten the room of any place she was in, and her ocean blues eyes. When I first came to New Orleans I met a girl named Camille who reminded me of Caroline she's my therapist and my friend, and I care about her but I'm in love with Caroline. WAIT WHAT?! I'm NOT in love with Caroline! I mustn't let my self think such silly thing. My thoughts were interrupted by a certain blonde bartender.

"Hey Klaus." Camille says as she walks up to klaus behind the bar bringing him out of deep thought. He looks up at her and smiles

"Hello Camille." I say

"I get off in 10 minutes we can talk then." Camille says and flashes him a smile and turns to tend to other customers.

After 15 minutes Camille came from the back and sat next Klaus. They start a conversation. They get up to dance, and they stare into eachothers eyes for moment and then she leans in to kiss him, but before he has enough time to react she kissed. He quickly pulled away and looked at her 1 second longer and flash out of the bar not caring who saw. When he left she was smiling to herself like a fool. I went to the compound and when I got inside I couldn't believe my eyes.

Caroline's POV

After about 8 hours of driving we finally made it. NOLA was as beautiful as Klaus described it . There was people everywhere. The smell of several different delicious smelling foods filled the air and music.

They arrived at the hotel they were going to staying at, it was beautiful and the room was big and the bed was very comfortable.

After getting settled in she went to talk to the others about what they were gonna do today.

"So what are we gonna do now." I ask

"well let's go see the Mikaelsons." Damon says, we smile at him and head back to the car after we unpacked we head to the car.

"Um guys do we even have any idea where they live?" I say as I realized we didn't know where we were going.

Everyone shook there heads so I told Stefan to stop the car he looks at me confused but he stops the car I get out and ask the first person where the Mikaelsons lived, surprisingly he knew. I get back in the car and gave them the directions the guy gave me. After about 10 minutes we pulled up to a big compound with a M on the outside in the middle of the French quarter so we automatically knew it was the Mikaelsons.

We go inside only to be stopped by no other than Rebekah Mikaelson who was looking at us confused on what we were doing here.

"Hi Rebekah." I say she looks at me and smiles.

"Hello Caroline what are you lot doing here?" I look at her and say

"well there's a couple of reason why we are." As I was about to continue we heard a thick British accent come from upstairs and looked directly at Bonnie and smirked and flashed beside Rebekah.

"Hello my beautiful witch." He says to Bonnie who is blushing very hard.

"Hi Kol."she managed to breath out and they just staring at eachother. Then Rebekah was the first to talk, "um sorry to interrupt whatever the hell that was, but you guys can come sit in the living room."

As she gestured for us to go to the living room for us to sit. We did as we were told. After talking for a while about why were here she smiled at us and kept her gaze on Stefan who seemed to be sitting in awe watching Rebekahs every move. Then all of sudden I was being pinned against the wall by Klaus Mikaelson.

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