Chapter 13

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A/N: this was by far my favorite chapter hope you love it.

It had been a couple of weeks since Caroline's encounter with the wolves. She went to visit Mia and Kayla a couple of times. She told them she would see what she could do about breaking that curse. So her Bonnie had been working on the curse relentlessly with no progress until today.

Bonnie came across the spell that the last witch used to curse the pack. And coincidentally tonight happened to be a full moon. That's when the spell could be cast. All they had to do was drink the elixir when the moon reached its apex.

So now that the wolves were in their human form Caroline, Klaus, and Bonnie went to the bayou to cast the spell. When they got there all the wolves tensed because they were in the presence of vampires.

Most of them trusted Caroline because of what she did to help Mia. But some of the others didn't like vampires in general. But the kids loved Caroline she helped out with them now and then, bought them ice cream, and taught them how to braid hair. Most of the Parents were fond of Caroline too.

"Hey, Care. What are you doing here and with him."Kayla asked Caroline once she saw her, Klaus, and Bonnie.

"You remember I told you I would help find a way to break your pack's curse right?" Caroline asked grabbing the attention of the rest of the pack and Kayla who just nodded. "Well my friend here is a witch and she found the spell and made the elixir. So now all you have to do is mix it with something and poof curse broken. And he's here for "safety precautions". Caroline finished with a big smile while Klaus smirked but didn't say anything. The packed gasped.

"Are you serious?" Kayla exclaimed with a big smile of her own before embracing Caroline in a big hug.

"Why do you want to help us so badly?"

"How are we supposed to know this isn't some ploy for the vampires?" Two of the wolves asked.

"Because helping people is just what I do. And believe it or not all vampires don't hate wolves. Hell, my ex-boyfriend was a wolf. All I can say is drink it or don't." Caroline said before handing the elixir to Kayla who gladly excepted it and going to stand by Klaus and Bonnie.

Kayla poured the elixir in a stew that an older wolf named Mary had made. Each of the werewolves got a bowl and took slow and cautious sips.

Klaus was holding Caroline and Bonnie's arms ready to speed out of there if it didn't work. After anxiously waiting Caroline asked,

"When were you guys supposed to shift back?"

The wolves were so caught up in conversation that they hadn't even realized the moon had come and passed.

"About 10 minutes ago," The pack alpha Jackson answered with a big smile.

The pack cheered, and a couple even hugged Bonnie and Caroline much to Klaus' dismay.

Jackson came up to Caroline with a warm smile.

"Thank you, Caroline. For everything. Helping Mia, the pack. We're all forever in your gratitude." Jackson said kissing Caroline on the cheek ignoring Klaus's warning growl.

"It was the least I could do. Like I said I like helping people." Caroline smiled at him.

"Still thank you. If you ever need anything you know where to find me." Jackson stated before going to celebrate with his pack. But Klaus took the friendly gesture the wrong way.

" I don't like him," Klaus announced on the way back to the Mansion.

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