Game Night !

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3rd Person POV:
It was 7:56pm when Caroline came in the living to see Katherine and Elijah setting up games and stuff. Klaus was right behind her. He realized she was avoiding him when he was going to talk to her after breakfast but she just ran off. But for now he was going to leave it alone.

At 8:00pm everyone had already made there way to living ready to play.

"Ok now that everyone's here first we're gonna play Never have I ever." Katherine and Elijah announced everyone else groaned.

"But with a twist," Katherine said "When you get a question and you have done it take a shot. If you haven't haven't don't take a shot." She announced enthusiastically.

The girls giggled at her.

"I already love this game." Kol and Damon said smirking. While Klaus just rolled his eyes but nonetheless smirking.

"Ok I'll go first. Never have I ever had a three way?" Katherine said taking a shot along with Stefan, Damon, Klaus, Kol, and Rebekah.

"Eww." Caroline, Bonnie, and Elena shrieked while Elijah shook his head.

"Well... after years of plain sex you have to do something to spice it up."Rebekah said grinning while her brothers cringed not wanting to know about her sex life.

"Ok, Ok my turn never have I ever gone skinny dipping." Kol said smirking but taking a shot with Caroline,Bonnie, and Elena.

Everyone look at them with raised eyebrows. They were all red in the face, looking down. Kol laughed.

"My, my Bonnie lass who would've thought."Kol said smirking at Bonnie while Klaus and Damon smirked at Caroline and Elena.

"We were-" Caroline and Elena didn't even let Bonnie finish because they were cupping her mouth with there hands glaring at her.

"We promised never to talk about that EVER again!" Caroline said slowly taking her hand away from Bonnies mouth same as Elena.

"Alright moving on Never have I ever slept with an Original." Damon said taking his shot and smirking at Katherine and Caroline who glared at him while taking a shot.

Meanwhile Klaus was smirking. All the other Originals were confused as to what original Caroline slept with.

"Who did you sleep with?" Rebekah asked Caroline who's eyes went wide.

"Oh you don't know?" Damon said "She slept with the big bad wolf." He said casually. Stefan snorted a laugh when Caroline chucked a shot glass at Damon.

The originals looked her surprised. While Klaus was still smirking to himself reminiscing.

"I thought he would've screamed it from the rooftops when he left." Caroline said now glaring at Klaus who just shrugged.

"And you never told me!" Rebekah said glaring at Klaus and Caroline.

"I thought you knew." Caroline said shrugging.

"Next game." Elijah said fixing his tie.

"Ooo! Truth or dare, with a twist of course. You take a shot if you don't answer your truth or when you don't do your dare. And take a shot anyways if you do." Katherine says

"I'm convinced your just tryna get us drunk Katherine." Elena said rolling her eyes while Katherine stuck her tongue out at her.

"Elijah truth or dare?" Klaus asked his older brother who replied truth.

"What's your biggest turn on?" Klaus asked chuckling with the rest of his siblings and Damon.

Elijah sighed but went anyway, " an independent woman." While taking a shot.

"So... Katherine?" Caroline asked smirking at Elijah whose face turn red. Kol and Rebekah were nearly on the floor dying of laughter.

"Alright Klaus truth or dare?" Elena asked Klaus, but grinning at Caroline who was eyeing her suspiciously.

"Dare." He replied smirking

"I dare you to put Caroline in your lap for the rest of the night." Elena replied looking at Caroline who was glaring daggers at her.

He flashed over to Caroline and back to his seat with her in his lap with his shot faster than anyone could blink. Caroline let out a surprised Yelp followed by a huff.

"Bonbon truth or dare." Kol asked

"Truth" She said squinting at him

He let out a "hmph" but grinned anyway and asked, "who's your favorite original?"

"That's easy Bex." She said downing her shot and glancing over at Rebekah who winked at her and she winked back. While Kol crossed his arms and sat back.

"Stef truth or dare, because you are awfully quiet." Damon smirking at his little brother who quickly looked away from Rebekah and at his brother.

"Obviously Dare." Stefan replied

"Make out with the hottest person in this room." Damon said knowing that his brother and Rebekah had a thing for each other.

Stefan got up and winked at Klaus who let out a chuckle from under Caroline. But turned to the chair beside him that Rebekah was in who was eyeing him cautiously half expecting him to kiss Katherine or Elena.

He smolder his way to Rebekah and pull her out of her chair and kissed her breathless. When he pulled back he had a satisfied smirk and walked back to his seat leaving a stunned Rebekah to slowly sit in her seat eyeing Stefan bewildered while he took a shot and all her brothers pulled faces at them.

"Katherine truth or dare." Stefan asked the brunette who's head snapped towards him.

"Dare." She said looking at Stefan daringly who just smirked at her tapping his chin pretending to think.

"I dare you to tell every one what you and Caroline did this summer."Stefan replied laughing.

Caroline gasped and nearly jumped out of Klaus' lap ready to jump out on Stefan but Klaus had his arms locked around her. Katherines eyes widened and her face turned red. Whilst the originals looked curious and Bonnie, Elena, Stefan, and Damon were stifling laughs while Caroline glared at them. Katherine took her shot and fell silently back in her seat.

"This is the second time you've brought that up what's this about because now I really wanna know." Replied Rebekah who felt left out for not knowing while Klaus and Kol nodded there agreements.

"Not telling you." Katherine and Caroline said quickly while there friends were nearly toppling over each other laughing so hard.

"Oh for heavens sake! They got wasted made out and ran around naked." Damon replied but didn't get out another laugh because Katherine jumped out of her chair and vamp sped to him and broke his neck while looking down of embarrassment.

At this point Elijah was staring at them bewildered and Rebekah and Kol were howling loudly while Klaus tried to stifle laughter as Caroline hid her face in his chest mumbling a "oh god".

"I would've paid to see that." Kol said still laughing hard.

"Naked huh?" Klaus whispered in Caroline's ear.

She looked at him with a glare and replied "We were really, really drunk."

He couldn't hold his laughter anymore. She slapped his chest and went back to hiding.

"That was hilarious." Rebekah said calming down her laughter.

By the end of the night everyone was drunk out of there minds, Elijah and Klaus were shirtless, Elena was passed out on Damon's lap, Stefan and Rebekah were making out, Caroline was blushing while Klaus whispered sweet nothings in her ear, and Bonnie was staring wide eyed at Kol who was making lewd comments.

They were SO... gonna regret this in the morning.

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