Chapter 21: Legendary Goblet

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Dipper's POV

I sit by the rock near to us and ponder about this plan. "Ooh, Thinking huh?" A voice says as she sits beside me, Emma.

"Yeah," I say as I take off my hat and shuffle my hair.

"Well that's dangerous." She smiled as she took my hat and place it on top of me. I let out a small chuckle and smile at her.

Silence took over us as I look at every angle of the Dark Cave except her. I remember the time before Bill came. I was suppose to ask her out, but I think we're kinda busy for the moment. "So, how long do you think is this gonna last?" She asks referring to the coming Day X.

"The truth is, I don't know." I shrug. "I just wanna go back to the forest with my Journal and hunt some of the Unknown." I admit, Yeah I was tired of all of this. Can't I just take a breath for a second and explore the mysterious wonders of the Town?

"Emma," I start.

She looks at me intently. "Hmm?"

"Aren't you scared?" I ask.

"Hmm, I don't know. Being hunt down by a Dream Demon at the unknown date of Day X, pretty seems not scary at all." She jokes as I let out a small chuckle.

"Seriously though, aren't you scared from any of these?" I point out on the whole situation were in.

She bites her lip and nods slowly. "Yeah, I'm scared." She admits. "In fact, this is the scariest experience for me, other than collecting frogs for our science fair." She says as she lets out a smile.

"Come on kids, We have to find the Legendary Goblet. It's hidden deep within the woods." Stan says. "But don't worry, it won't take time before we find it." He says as we stand up from our place.


"Stupid Goblet, where are you?!" Stan screams as he search through the bushes.

We've been searching here for hours! Specifically three hours, And Grunkle Stan here says that; 'It won't take much time to find it', but look at us; Tired, sleepy, drained out and hungry.

"Thanks a lot Grunkle Stan." I say sarcasm heavy in my tone.

"Oh man!" Mabel shouts from behind. "Look at this cutie guys!" She shouts at us. We ran to her and stopped at right in front of the bush. Yes! The Legendary Goblet!

Wait, what are we even gonna do with it?

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