Chapter 7: Warning

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Dipper's POV

Mabel went up to our room to change her sweater cause she saw a boy roaming around the shack. Which leaves Emma and I alone.

We awkwardly walked to the kitchen and sat at the chair. She was right across me at the table. Silence filled the room, until she broke it.

"Umm, so... What do you want to talk about Dipwad" She said as she smiled.

"Umm. How about you pick." I suggested.

"Okay, I got something. Just promise you won't tell anyone." She said as she leaned on the table.

"Okay, what is it?" I asked as Curiosity ran all over me.

"On my room, I secretly found a-" She was interrupted by Mabel barging in.

"Hey you guys!" Mabel screamed as she sat beside me. "What you guys talkin' about?"

"Nothing really." I whispered.

Stan came in with a apologetic expression. "Hey Kids, about your lunch. I forgot to cook" he smiled embarrassingly. "Here's money, and how about you dine out?" He handed as money.

"Thank you Grunkle Stan" Mabel hugged Stan. "Oh. I almost forgot, Grunkle Stan this is Emma, my new Best friend" Mabel smiled. "And Emma this is our Great Uncle, Grunkle Stan!"

"Nice to meet you kid!" Stan patted Emma's back.

"We should get going now. I'm kinda hungry." I said as my tummy rumbled.

"Bye Grunkle Stan!" Mabel said as she pulled Emma to the door.

We walked to the mall and found a restaurant, Mabel and Emma looked for a table while I ordered or food.

When I was done ordering I went to our table and saw beside Emma.

"I gotta go to the bathroom, I'm just gonna wash my hands" Emma stood up from her chair. "Mabel you coming?" She asked.

"Nah. I'm good, I already washed my hands." Mabel said.

"Suit yourself. I'll be back" She sad and headed to the bathroom.

Emma's POV

I excused myself from the twins to go to the bathroom.

I pushed the door open and went into one of the sinks. I turned on the faucet, but there was no water coming out. I tapped the faucet thinking if water would come out if I'd do that. But still none. Silence filled the air but was disrupted when one of the stalls slowly opened. Fear filled me, I rushed to the door and reached for the doorknob but a strong cold hand held my arm. It was an old woman.

"What do you want from me?" I asked as I my voice quivered, her strong hand was still holding my arm, getting stronger by the second.

"I'm warning you child, There's grave danger coming to this town, especially to y-you and your friends" Her voice was dead serious which made me even scared.

"What are you talking about?"I asked as I thought, Grave Threat.

"Please be careful, don't open the Journal, Especially at night. It will bring grave danger." She said as her voice cracked.

"How do you know about the journal?" I asked. How did she knew? I never told anyone, not even the Pine twins.

"Remember this, When the moon turns to red, The Gold will rise, all will scream, all will cry and all will die." She closed her eyes. "But the ones who were not suppose to see things will stop this, The Chosens." She continued and directly went to the door.

"Wait!" I shouted as I catched up with her.

I followed her and opened the door, then she was nowhere to be found.

I ran to our table. "Dipper! Mabel! Did you see where the old lady went out?" I asked hoping that they did.

"Old lady?" Dipper asked.

"Yes! D-Did you see her?" I stammered.

"I'm afraid I haven't, did you Mabel?" He asked turning to Mabel.

"Wap woop!" She placed a paper hat on top of her head.

"I'll take that as a 'no' I guess" he chuckled.

"Never mind, let just eat lunch."

We ate our lunch and went back to the shack.

"Uhhh, I'm full" Mabel said groggily as she slouched on the couch.

Maybe I should tell Dipper.

"Dipper, Can we talk? Just the two of us" I tapped him in the shoulder.

"Yeah! Sure!" He said eagerly.

We went to the kitchen and we sat at the table.

"Dipper, I got to tell you something" I said as my voice quivered.

"What is it?" He asked curiously.

"We are in grave danger."

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